- Date: 3 – 11 August 2019
- Location: Daruma Ecovillage, Daruma Eco Farm, 335/10 Bang Phra, Si Racha District, Chon Buri 20110, Thailand
- Language:
- English
- Run by:
- Areas:
- Context:
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Course: Intensive Permaculture Course, Thailand
At: Daruma Ecovillage
The concept for the Intensive PDC at Daruma emerged from one simple thing: student’s needs. Typically, these have been in two categories.
The Intensive Permaculture Course in Thailand: Student Pre-Requisites
Category 1
The first category is students that have already exposed themselves to a significant amount of permaculture theory and/or practice. Possibly having visited, volunteered, worked, and studied at places that employed permaculture in the design or in the operational aspects of a property. Possibly students have already created PC designs, master plans and even implemented these designs on their own property. And even students that have read and studied thoroughly many of the core books that form the corpus of what is modern permaculture.
Usually these students only need an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency of understanding and competency in practical design in order to feel comfortable in having a permaculture design certificate. The intensive course allows for this but still also challenges them to identify areas that are in need of clarification and development. Time is spent validating what is known, identifying what needs expanding and integrating this all together to equal or better what is completed in a traditional PDC.
Category 2
The second category is for anyone that wants or needs to complete a PDC but has inflexible time constraints. Having hosted many courses in both permaculture design and natural building for Japanese students over the last 10 years, it is simply a fact that it is quite rare for a Japanese student to have an opportunity for two weeks of consecutively which is why most PDC courses in Japan span several months or are separate two week periods. But, with a little pre-course study and a dillignet (and long) daily schedule, this can be compressed into a shorter time frame.
How short? Well the answer depends to some extent on the student’s preparation. Daruma will recommend some books in advance of an intensive PDC as well as provide access to online materials at the permaculture academy. But the goal is to fit this into a week period including (when required) both weekends. That means 9 calendar days which is about 8 actual course days* (after administrative time).
* In some cases, the final design project can be completed off-site and submitted electronically completing the requirements for the PDC certificate.
So for category two students, plan on 8 hours a day minimum! Category one students don’t escape the rigor though as they might work side-by-side mentoring a category two student in your own areas of competency (come on, you know which of Bill’s principles that is right?)
In Japanese, 快速 or ‘kaisoku’ is a rapid train and the best train to catch when you are in a hurry. Students who complete the Daruma Intensive PDC ‘kaisoku’ Course, in addition to receiving their Permaculture Design Certificate & being registered on the Permaculture Worldwide Network, will also be presented with a commemorative Daruma Intensive PDC “Go Hard, or Go Home” t-shirt. We know this is a modest reward for such hard work but you also leave with the knowledge that you completed what must be one of the most intense PDCs in the world.
For more information, please visit the event website.
Can a complete beginner join the course? I will be coming from Australia?