- Date: 16 October – 27 November 2014
- Location: Spain
- Language:
- English
- Region:
- Areas:
- Context:
- Category:
Design for life with Permaculture
Permaculture offer us new ways of thinking, doing and being that can be use individually and collectively to create sustainable human cultures in harmony with nature.
90 hours course with PDC International Certificate.
The course program includes: ethics and principles, design processes, basics of ecology, water management, soil building, plants for permaculture systems, ecobuilding, energy, new economies, with regenerative ideas for: home, garden, neighbourhood, community, region….all supported by practicals, and additional topics such as deep ecology, Dragon Dreaming design….
During these 2 weeks we will have the opportunity to experience Permaculture alive in our day by day, as we will be living in an off-grid low impact “eco” village Los Molinos. We’ll be part of a community of teachers, participants and collaborators, creating spaces for inter-conexion, skills exchange and self organise workshops; and also spaces for dreaming and celebrating together!!
Teachers: Monika Frank, Kirsty Heron, Mark Biffen, Jef Carrick y Patricia Cañas.
Other guest facilitators to confirm…
575 € booking before 31 of August
605€ booking after 1 of September
That includes all sessions, materials, the Certificate in Permaculture Design , all meals and accomodation in low impact projects– Sunseed y El Mirador.
We would like to offer a reduction to one person with low income that is involved in environmental or social projects. We will only be able to confirm this after 18th September.
We are also open to exchanges, reductions for help before, after and during the course, for one or two persons that can’t afford the course full fee.
Venue: Los Molinos del Río Aguas – a low impact off-grid village located in the Natural Park of Karst en Yesos de Sorbas – in Almería Province (South Spain)
Organized by: Cultura de la Tierra – Earth Culture
in collaboration with: Sunseed, La Pita-Escuela y El Mirador.
For further information and booking: www.culturadelatierra.net – [email protected] – phone 0034 639842719
This course will introduce ways of using permaculture design in your life, to re-design aspects of your personal life as well as to create sustainable and resilient human environments. Permaculture can be applied to where do you live, work and play.,
The course includes the 72hours curriculo recognised by the internatinal permaculture community plus more than 18 hours extra that will enrich the experience, such as:
* Introduction to Dragon Dreaming – participatory design process;
* Transition Towns;
* The Work that Recconects from Joanna Macy – deep ecology,
* regenerative techniques for arid lands
There will be practicals in organic gardening, eco building and/or other practicals of sustainable living.
During the course we’ll have several guided tours.
One to the Sunseed project (gardens, technologies, low impact); other to the village of Los Molinos and other to the Pita-Escuela project (working with agave wood from the desert).
In this course you will learn how to design or to refine your design skills, through practical and enjoyable exercices under the guidance of experienced designers.
You will learn skills in observation and reading the landscape enabling you to develop a deeper understanding of a place. You will learn about map drawing and interpretation, about understanding and using patters in nature to use in the designs; and why and how to take care of the soil, the water and the air.
You will learn how to design food production systems and water collection systems at different scales; bioregional strategies, forest garden growing, alternative economic systems, renewable energies and design of healthy homes and buildings, domestic liquid and solid waste treatment.
Methodoly and Course culture
The course will be facilitated using the latest knowledge and techniques on facilitaction and teaching, favouring different ways of interrelationship between the facilitation team and the participants; specially taking care of the different intelligences and diverse ways of learning to enable each person to learn in his/her unique way; to make it possible that each person uses and shares their own skills and wisdom, to create their own learning and share it with the others.
We’ll be offering theoretical teaching sessions, discussions, power points, films, many different practicals (garden, personal design..), on land observation, individual, pair and group work, games, role plays, guided tours to other projects…; weaving theory and practice in order to create dynamic and participative sessions.
Our aim is to empower people with permaculture skills and knowledge and to make them feel confident enough to start to practice once they finish the course.
An important part of the course is the design. Participants will be working on personal individual design to apply to their own lives, projects, lands…And there will be the group design practical, that will help to ground the concepts learned during the course.
For more information, please visit the event website.