Establish, develop a truly well planned and managed, multicultural and in all respects high-quality “Good Life Community” (GLC) for about 30-50 people. GLC exists in a historic, large, and beautiful Sahala multi function farm in Rautalampi municipality, Finland … Read more
DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College
We are an international intentional community who are working to train teachers who are empowered through education and capable of responding to the big issues of our time and the future. Developing independent thinkers, problem solvers and alternative educators. … Read more
Ecoaldea Comunidad Uchanchi
La comunidad aspira a la sostenibilidad a través de la promoción de la cohesión económica, social y territorial, con el objetivo de mitigar problemas sociales adjuntos como la migración. Por otro lado, la visión a largo plazo es la de abordar los retos y problemas basándose en las nuevas oportunidades brindadas por las transiciones ecológica y digital, y en las enseñanzas extraídas de la pandemia. … Read more
Oasis “Terres de Baume Rousse”
Vous souhaitez simplement habiter proche de la nature pour faire votre jardin et prendre soin de la terre ou accueillir des personnes pour des activités de soin ou de développement personnel ? Nous accueillons deux nouveaux habitants (ou familles) sur l’Oasis “Terres de Baume Rousse” située dans la Drôme sur une ferme de 23 ha avec nos deux chevaux Merens et des activités de médiation équine. … Read more
Manav Chetna Vikas Kendra (MCVK)
THE ALTERNATIVE. A family of 100+ people living together from across the nation. Individuals are bound not by caste, class, religion or region, but by one common vision of co-existential living. MCVK is working towards a universal human order free from divisions, production – not for profit but for prosperity, a humane education – in tandem with reality and a model of living which compliments it. … Read more
Savia is a vegan agroecological cohousing and coliving project, based in Asturias, in the north of Spain. Savia is a space to live in community, a home to build a life in connection with nature and its processes, where we can grow respect for all beings and create together a more sustainable, simpler and more self-sufficient lifestyle. … Read more
Nanku Village
Spanning across 22 hectares of pristine land, our community features 50 thoughtfully planned lots that seamlessly blend with the surrounding landscape. … Read more
Dome Forest, off grid eco community
We are starting an off-grid eco village in a self-sustaining community that operates independently from the traditional power grid and focuses on minimising its environmental impact. The first phase of the project is complete, its an eco hotel called Xblache. Please feel free to visit us and see the progress we are making. We will utilise renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines to generate electricity. The village will employ sustainable farming practices, including … Read more
Comunità rigenerative
Co-create & live inter-generational, open, richly diverse and responsive places to meet the needs emerging from the crises that afflict us; places that are autonomous and self‑sufficient, for food & energy, then fiber and other materials, for our health & education, while fully respecting the ecology of the planet and human relations. Reclaime and regenerate homes, land and villages, cultivate the land with agro‑ecological approaches, without external inputs, aiming to get as close … Read more
Paradise Garden Ecuador
Our Vision We envision a christian vegan raw fruitarian community living in a beautiful fruit forest, where all of creation thrive together in peace, joy and harmony. Our Mission Our mission is to create the community and the forest by employing widely successful community and fruit forest farming practices such as CBDM, NVC, permaculture, work exchanges, renting etc. Our Core Values Family Friendly Fitness Godliness Love, Grace and Forgiveness Natural Hygiene / … Read more