The management has hired talented potters who are already working on clay works as well as a group of tailors who are set to work on creative assignments to produce a variety of made in Rwanda products, to be displayed at our gift shop. Extra inn Eco-village shall not only work with the potters and tailors but also plans to market their products to local and foreign markets. … Read more
Ecovila Piracanga
A Ecovila de Piracanga é um lugar de realização de sonhos, transformação pessoal e reconexão com a Natureza que somos e a Natureza na qual habitamos. Um local de belezas naturais exuberantes, onde atualmente habitam cerca de 180 pessoas, com aproximadamente 40 crianças e recebe alguns milhares de visitantes todo ano. O desenvolvimento da Ecovila foi impulsionado principalmente a partir de 2011 com a criação de uma comunidade intencional que se estabeleceu com a missão de inspirar o mundo, … Read more
People’s Coast Ecovillage Network
PECEN’s vision is to rapidly increase – on a major scale – the number of people who are aware of the benefits and potential of ecovillage development in The Gambia and Africa as a whole. … Read more
Projet de développement des Ecovillages au Togo
Le Togo est confronté aux problèmes environnementaux caractérisés par la dégradation des ressources naturelles engendrant la baisse de la productivité agricole et la fragilisation des écosystèmes. Pour faire face à ces défis, le Togo développe des Ecovillages en s’appuyant sur sur la promotion des énergies renouvelables, la maitrise de l’eau et développement des moyens d’existence durables. … Read more
nothing … Read more
Ecogranja Wiphala
Ecogranja Wiphala We are a Colombian Dutch family with three kids that moved from Holland to Colombia to make our dreams come true. So here we are in Calarcá Quindio on an abandoned 10 hà farm trying to establish a community following permaculture principles while raising our kids through homeschooling. Our interest: - permaculture - homeschooling, ala Waldorf - reforestation - gift economy, living in the gift - sovereignty - shamanism - harmonise the ways of hunter gatherers of … Read more
Children’s Paradise Montessori School
Children’s Paradise Montessori School (CPMS) was founded in 2005 with the mission of providing education for life to children. We have created a learning environment based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophy and principles that guide and nurture the development of each child’s potential to become an informed, a creative, compassionate, and lifelong learner, who will make a positive contribution t … Read more
Springhouse is a prototype of regenerative culture. We envision a regenerative culture where all people are connected to the vitality within themselves, their community, and the Earth. We move toward this vision by creating and sharing a model of regenerative culture through vitality-centered education that equips people to courageously respond to the world’s emerging needs. … Read more
Nature Salvage Eco Project / Family Bed & Breakfast
Situated in the Italian Alps next to the Federation of Damanhur, Nature Salvage looks to the future with dreams of creating permaculture gardens, artist collaborations, building a bio-piscina (pool) and compost toilets, creating a chicken coup, and continued practices of reducing, reusing, and recycling through Art. … Read more
Red Rocks Rwanda
Red Rocks Initiatives for sustainable development works with communities around the Virunga Mountains. Here we promote development by involving local people in programs that improve community livelihood through Environmental Conservation, Arts & Culture, Education, and Community Health & Food Security Initiatives. Our work is community and partner-driven, and their ideas – from researchers and volunteers to artists and skilled professionals, and everyone in between. We aim to leave … Read more