The Valley of Light is a sustainable, spiritual micro-community founded by members of The Oracle Institute, a 501(c)(3) educational charity and socio-spiritual think tank. VOL Members are aware of what is happening in the world and believe in the adoption of a new way of living based on an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life. … Read more
KANCHI Eco Village
REDUCE our consumption of natural resources as much as possible RESTORE the eco system in its place by keeping our environment in such a way that all living and nonliving organisms connects with each other REPEAT the above two rules again and again at KANCHI Eco Village, in order to return the resources to Mother Nature of what we consume during our life in this earth … Read more
Labishire Homestead Commons
Labishire is a gay POC-founded and led experiment to figure out how to live on Mother Earth during and after the climate collapse. There is no financial barrier to entry. … Read more
NGO Synchronic Lines Association Community
Our Community is a starting point, now involving on different levels 20 people who like the idea of setting a place to live together creating a little self-sufficient society in which happiness, richness and beauty are together with inner evolution, spirituality and art, respect for nature and mysticism. In the project, the Community buildings stand in the core of a little mountain village and they face a central courtyard that is the living hearth of the Community with different art workshops … Read more
Mindfulness Project
The Mindfulness Project is a small eco-friendly community and permaculture project in rural Thailand. The foundation of our project is to bring people together in a symbiotic community that incorporates science into alternative living. Our main principals build on compassion, radical acceptance and a permaculture lifestyle. Always open for new short- and longterm family members. … Read more
Kootenays Village
Kootenay Lake Innovation Centre is a Creative Coworking Space for Open Source Innovation now creating a Smart Village that will be located in Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada. Our aim is to use regenerative design and create scalable communities for affordable living that solve environmental, economic and social problems. … Read more
Green Village Phillipines
– Sustainable Entrepreneurial Hub : professional and social integration of excluded young adults, coming from isolated areas – Eco-village : Development of ecological solutions, which contributes to the sustainable development of local communities. – Advocacy forum : Welcoming events on sustainable development and Youth inclusion topics, with a 200m2 gathering hall, a restaurant and guest houses. … Read more
CVEG Vereniging Ecodorpen Gelderland
Our first location is in North of the city of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, finished in March 2021. It is an urban ecovillage, The intention of our association is to build for and with people with the intention to contribute to the regeneration of the earth. Most of our members do not have (an easy) access to the Dutch housing market. We also target to people with an increased need for support. We work on increase of sustainability, a strong community with care for each other and environs. The … Read more
Les Femmes Leaders de la Lobaye (M’baiki), et de la Kémo (Dékoa) dans le plaidoyer en faveur de leur participation au sein des instances décisionnelles de la Gouvernance Forestière: Objectif Agenda 2030. »
Au moment où la RCA se prépare à réviser sa Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN), valider sa stratégie nationale REDD+, et propulser des réformes dans le secteur forestier, fort est de constater que d’une part, les intérêts spécifiques des femmes sont littéralement absents de ces processus, et d’autre part, elles subissent de plein fouet les impacts dus à cela. … Read more
E Ola ka Pu`uwai Aloha; Living Life Source Foundation
In Wailea, with and as the community, we aim to cultivate hope and healing through collaborative ecological regeneration, food forests, and watershed restoration; experiential learning of Hawaiian social-ecological knowledge, practices, language, ritual, history spiritual/cultural heritage; planting harvesting and preparation of traditional healing foods and herbs to share with wider communities. … Read more