Coalescence Ecovillage utilizes egalitarian models of governance, economic organization and community businesses focusing on methodologies that set up our purposeful culture to thrive. Our culture consists of Healthy Social Connection, Inclusion, Integration, Emotional Development, Spiritual Evolution, Somatic Embodiment, Wellness, and Healing. … Read more
Terra Luminous
Connect people engaged with their self-development, and the mission of protecting the environment and co-create a new world based on shared power, nonviolent communication, free spirituality (without gurus), sustainability, and food + energy sovereignty. … Read more
Red de Reservas Kunagua
Proceso de transición a la agroecología, recuperando prácticas tradicionales, cuidado de semillas criollas, elaboración de abonos naturales, rotación de cultivos. Se adelantan emprendimientos para la transformación de los productos agrícolas cosechados en el territorio, como la elaboración de miel de yacón, chips de yacón y kale. Bioconstrucción y prácticas artísticas: Danza, Música y artesanías. … Read more
Bafut Ecovillage
Bafut Ecovillage is an offshoot of Ndanifor Permaculture Ecovillage demo site weaving international partners to upscale and replicate our model in Europe where young people can identify synergies and engage, resulting in the conceptualization and execution of collective agendas and activities that help drive the African Ecovillage Developmental Program and GEN Twinning Agenda forward. … Read more
Tierra Baturi
Tierra Baturi is a Jewish intentional sustainable community located outside Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico with Jewish tradition, learning, and spirituality at its core. It consists of a cooperative, a farm, retreat center, and adjacent community of households that support the activities, infrastructure, and programs of the coop through the payment of an HOA. … Read more
Kufunda Village
Core to Kufunda’s work is enabling rural communities to become strong, empowered agents of their own destiny, using people’s own imagination, collaboration and resources. Kufunda is living its own way into healthy vibrant community & sharing this across Zimbabwe. At Kufunda this work now includes a Waldorf inspired school for the local children, and practicing & teaching biodynamic farming. … Read more
Zamukia Ecovillage
The project is located in 3.2 hectares with ocean view located in Palomino, Colombia. It is surrounded by mountains, jungle, and a creek. It is a peaceful place where you can breathe clean air and farm organic food. … Read more
Rooted Northwest
Rooted Northwest is a cohousing community in Western Washington designed for healthy living, connecting with nature and one another, and member-run microenterprises, all within the context of the permaculture ethics of earth care, people care, and fair shares. … Read more
Ecovillage Project in Bangladesh
Ecovillage is the best way to solve complex social and environmental problems by the local people without harming the ecosystem and achieve the SDGs. We have established an Ecovillage for solving the drinking water crisis, lack of electricity, livelihood, food security, disaster risk, unsustainable natural resource management, etc considering the Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem since 2015. … Read more
Aldea Cuatro Aguas
“La Aldea” is one of the Seed Territories of the “Multiversidad Mastay – Planting Future from the Origin”: A Native Permaculture Multiversity that opens portals of multiple possibilities for all youth, in mind and heart, to dive deep into a transformational life experience inspiring actions that nurture unity and a healthy co-existence with Nature and all our relationships. … Read more