Ekvn-Yefolecv is an intentional ecovillage community of Indigenous Maskoke persons who, after 180 years of having been forcibly removed from traditional homelands - in what is commonly/colonially known as Alabama - have returned for the purpose of practicing linguistic, cultural and ecological sustainability. The term Ekvn-Yefolecv implicitly embodies a double entendre: 1) Returning to the earth, 2) Returning to our homelands. With only a handful of speakers remaining, we are revitalizing the … Read more
Fundación ArteSumapaz
ArteSumapaz is an arts and culture center located in the Colombian Andes. Two intentional communities are in the forming stages: an area to be comprised of 8-10 individual homes; and an eco-village comprised of smaller homes with a common open kitchen and social area. Potential members are encouraged to come and take a month or longer residency at ArteSumapaz. … Read more
Alt Terra Commons
WELCOME - Alt Terra Commons is an Innovative, Communal, Egalitarian, and Sustainable Intentional Community / Eco-Village that is Doing Community Differently. A Unique Community of Forward Thinking and Loving people who are Developing a 21st Century Intentional Community Model. VISION - Specifically we are Building a Collective of up to #12 Semi-Autonomous Satellite Groups, micro-neighborhoods, that will Surround a Central Hub of Shared Facilities. Alt Terra Commons is a place where Each … Read more
ASHA Alchemy School of Healing Arts
ASHA (Alchemy School of Healing Arts) is a Retreat and Community Center located underneath a medieval village in Southern Tuscany. The Center is the cornerstone of an initiative to regenerate the village – which is mostly uninhabited – into a thriving Intentional Community. The continuation of growing our existing 40,000 person online community is the foundation for the center. It will become the land-based academy and safe haven dedicated to ethically, environmentally, and socially … Read more
Firestone Sanctuary
Firestone Sanctuary is a 77 hectare property and intended ecovillage in Laceys Creek, Queensland, Australia. It will be a sanctuary for native biodiversity, a beautiful retreat for healing, an eco-centre to educate the public, an intentional living community for passionate environmentalists, and a template for the creation of other similar communities. The focus is on proving a more ethical and egalitarian socioeconomic model. It aims to bring mutualism and sustainable innovation to the … Read more
Liminal Village
The Liminal Village is a co-living co-creation-space in a networked-rural setting, where we experiment with holistic and alternative technologies to co-create open-source and globally applicable solutions using Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Permaculture, Pain Medicine. It is a place without spectators, as all the guests participate in the creation of the program, giving talks and workshops. … Read more
Inla Kesh
Inla Kesh • is on the way to be more and more a regenerative community in which human beings, animals, plants, and waters live together in full cooperation and unreserved trust • is an open systems that constantly evolve through feedback with their environment • is a place to develop social, ecological and economic frameworks that allow life’s self-healing … Read more
Hågaby is an ecovillage with around 250 people in a rural area next to the city of Uppsala. There are a lot of self-employed people living here and a Steiner school, three preschools, and a center for holistic medicine. There is a mix of owning and renting apartments and some houses. Not everyone that lives in the area is engaged in the village, but the village has a lot of values in the structures. This allows people to both live and work in the village, and it has good opportunities for social … Read more
Cedar Moon
The seven-acre farm houses two intentional communitites, Cedar Moon and the Sacred Land Alliance and the nonprofit Tryon Life Community Farm. The land is a community event center that support social change, equity, regenerative culture, and spiritual expression. … Read more
Mount of Oaks – Monte dos Carvalhos
Off-grid Permaculture monastic farm since 2006. We are now a couple that welcomes many people each year to experience and be part of a family. That’s our view of community, whether it´s an intern, a guest, a pilgrim in need of rest, our elderly neighbours, our prayer/singing circle, the “new local” who comes to settle and needs advice, a retreat we host… we believe in meaningful relationships. … Read more