PROJECT ECO-CITY BENIN Revitalization of Benin culture and its Ecology to inspire Sustainable Living and Self-Reliance Challenge: Build a replicable EcoCity with the least amount of financial, human, and natural resources. Vision: At EcoCity Benin we see a world of abundance where human actions revitalize nature and perpetuate harmony and peace. Location: EcoCity Benin is 2 hectares of land located in Allada in Southern Benin. In a logic of rethinking and reengineering Ecotourism … Read more
Great news! On October 1, 2022, I started an experimental Permavillage. I want to use all the techniques that will allow us to reach 100% local, zero petroleum. … Read more
Oasis de Lentiourel
Construire un espace relationnel épanouissant, s’inscrivant dans le soin de la terre, du monde et de soi. Cultiver la joie de vivre dans une sobriété heureuse et un esprit d’ouverture, dans une quête d’autonomie créative et de partage. Créer un lieu collectif d’alternatives de vie respectueux des besoins de chacun. La capacité d’accueil de l’Oasis est d’environ une trentaine de personnes. … Read more
Crystal Land Colombia
We are the Rainbow Crystal land Colombia. Our Project was founded 5 years ago and is now in a fast-growing stage. Our Project is dedicated to make the earth green again and to free land from ownership to welcome every soul who decided to leave Babylon, a society, a system that is not working any longer. We work for a system change by creating a new way of living in which every being is seen as equal, no matter if human, animal or plant. Our project is located 15 car minutes outside of … Read more
SAGG Eco Village Kashmir
SAGG Eco Village is JK’s first eco village started in 2013. SAGG is a natural farm and cultural retreat located in Ganderbal that integrates ecological, cultural, human & technological resources in a unique blend to design, develop & promote recreational, educational and lifestyles services, spaces, products and programs for individuals, families & communities. [Founder: Fayaz A. Dar] … Read more
Baireni Ecovillage
Baireni ecovillage is one of five ecovillages which are the outcome of Dr Rajbhandari’s project on transforming traditional villages into sustainable ecovillages. This is based primarily on his concept of holistic and sustainable approach of bio-intensive farming system. … Read more
Noordeland has started construction in April 2019. In August 2019 there are 9 permanent inhabitants and 11 more to follow soon. Developments include the group center, the storage halls for workshops, production and enterprises, the kitchen garden and related facilities and utilities. The municipality has extended the license to establish an ecovillage. The plot will be purchased this year 2019. … Read more
Vila Céu do Mapiá
Vila Céu do Mapiá is an intentional and traditional community in the Purus National Forest, southwest Amazonas, Brazil. Founded in 1983, it is the result of the community work developed since 1974 in Rio Branco, in the state of Acre, by a group of rubber tappers, rural workers and indigenous descendants motivated and united by the spiritual tradition of Santo Daime (Ayahuasca). … Read more
Yasna Sloboda
Yasna Sloboda is a community of families united by general core values. We wanted to combine life in nature with a Waldorf education for children. We are the first ecovillage in Russia with sociocracy and the first ecovillage in Russia with Waldorf education centre. … Read more
TI EcoVillage
To inspire the urban techies and professionals to switch to sustainable and regenerative lifestyles . We are a Urban Transition project and biodiversity conservation center … Read more