Bergen Ecovillage is establishing an ecovillage which will house a diversity of people and possibilities, buidning sustainable houses and creating green jobs and activities. We live a rich and simple life, taking care of each other, the nature and the future, focussing on growing, sharing and fair trade. - See examples of some houses: See pictures on Instragram! … Read more
Investing in People Worldwide
My community is a small locality in the south west region of Cameroon. Since 2016, my country has been in a sociopolitical crisis. Freedom of movement within the community on certain days and to certain areas is being restricted. The killings, shootings and burning down of villages has caused a high increase of internally displaced persons to flee in my town Buea, for refuge and help. In order to keep many of these women and youth, we (IPW) , implemented trainings on income generating … Read more
Somos una pequeña comunidad en el limite de la zona urbana, que esta explorando alternativas en el intento de la sustentabilidad y el respeto a todos los seres. … Read more
Lebensraum Belmont … Read more
El Manzano
El Manzano es una pequeña comunidad familiar en la región del BioBío, Chile. Despertando, alzándose, afirmando el derecho humano y la responsabilidad fundamental de la autodeterminación. … Read more
One Planet Valley
To target a lifestyle that fits on one planet. Measured planet by planet, a reduction in consumption as defined by the Ecological Footprint online calculator, Creative ways and methods are invited to the project, as long at a measured one planet or less lifestyle target remains. To also target, an alternate cultural model that allows attainment and maintenance of the first objective. … Read more
Caravana por la Paz y Restauración de la Madre Tierra
The Caravan for Peace and Mother Earth Restoration is a Itinerant School awakening consciousness, Community Peace and Restoration in the territories of Latin America and the world. We promote regenerative life and offer ourselves as an instance of convergence and energy exchange, cross-pollination between human groups. We can create and strengthen bridges and networks among people and communities. … Read more
Chanchos de Monte
Creamos una eco-comunidad mediante el fortalecimiento de los vínculos que nos unen y el desarrollo de recursos para nuestra autosustentabilidad en la finca de Chanchxs de Monte ubicada en las Nubes de Abangares, Costa Rica. Actualmente nos encontramos en la definición de nuestros principios de convivencia, sistema de gobernanza y planificación de los espacios de un terreno de una hectárea, con un 40% de bosque nuboso y fuentes de agua. Como propósito para el 2019 se tiene la construcción del … Read more
Terra Viva – holistic permaculture project & community
TERRA VIVA – Do you want to cocreate an international intentional holistic eco-community with educational centre? …Lving in tune with nature, permaculture & ecology, sustainable & responsible lifestyle, intrinsic values & personal development, awareness & individual spirituality, arts & creativity, connection to nature & to the whole web of life! … Read more
Hearthstone Village
We have work parties on the second and fourth Sunday of every month. We do have regular maintenance projects such as trail clearing; cleaning intake water tanks or backwashing the filters; gutter clearing or new projects such as building a sauna or a humanure composting unit. … Read more