We are an international community of peace workers, community organizers and ecovillage activists developing a popular education center and intentional community on an organic farm in central Italy. … Read more
Rancho Mastatal
We consider environmental concerns from personal to global perspectives and develop solutions that are regenerative, regionally appropriate, and maintainable. We source our food and materials locally while maximizing our diversified farm. We promote community resiliency by supporting regional efforts for clean water, healthy food, fertile land, and safe, naturally constructed buildings. … Read more
Zeleni Kruchi
Our goal is to live on earth in harmony with nature and ourselves, breathe clean air, drink pure water, eat our own natural food, develop, create, be healthy and raise healthy children … Read more
Dry Gulch Ecovillage
Here in the gentrifying West Denver Barrio we have improved the energy efficiency, safety, and attractiveness of a tri-plex, turning lawns to gardens, with a solar-power system to be installed when affordable. We are 2 blocks from an elementary school, 1 block from a park and bicycle trail to downtown, and 4 blocks from a light-rail station, connecting to the commuter rail line to the DIA airport. … Read more
Bosque Village
Bosque Village is a sustainability laboratory and growing ecovillage. … Read more
Elphinstone Rainbow Village
Food Forest: We’d like to get some more people knowledgeable in gardening or permaculture practices. We have one greenhouse area and a garden area but there is lots of potential for growing more. It would be nice to have enough food for 5 people to live off of at the community. Structures: We have 2 structures made of deadfall and wood platforms but need to add more and waterproof everything. … Read more
India One Solar Thermal Power Plant
To research, develop and demonstrate an easy to install, effective and long lasting renewable energy technologies for the day and night operation.India One community shares its experience and knowledge with interested entities and individuals, in the form of awareness creation, application demonstration and training etc. … Read more
Zonca Ecovillage Italy
Seasonal work includes mowing the hay, repairing terraces and tending gardens. In addition we are repairing walls and roofs, clearing ruins and building a sauna and a sweatlodge. … Read more
Dome Lombok
Mantra Life
Mantra Life is a community center in Colombo, Sri Lanka that focuses on promoting sustainable living, improving health and well-being of individuals, Sustainable development, environmental support, reconciliation and women's empowerment are main focuses, with the broader goal of also being a socially conscious venture. Our Philosophy at Mantra Life is to help people create a fulfilling life that is in harmony with the universal laws of happiness, to feel strong and in sync with the inner self … Read more