Lebenshof Graben is a social project in Lower Bavaria, Southern Germany … Read more
10000€ Haus
Schaffung vieler “Keimzellen” für eine ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Gesellschaft durch die Nutzung der Gesetze und Mittel des sozialen Wohnungsbaus. … Read more
Eco Chateau
A fully restored chateau property with outline permission for permaculture ecovillage of approx. 20 eco-houses with 12 hectares/30acres land. Currently generating income. Seeking like-minded people with funds and/or skills. Currently 2 co-owners. Min investment: no fixed minimum per person. April 2020 deadline. … Read more
Green Canvas of Light
Green Canvas of Light is a conscious sustainable Permaculture development project, intentional community, and place of Yoga and spiritual practice on a beautiful and fertile 50ha forest-farm in the Wilderness Lakes area of the Garden Route in South Africa. Fish Eagles, Leopard, Wild Boar, and Monkeys share the land with us. --- Full details about this project can be found on our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/green.canvas.of.light/ --- Vision: The creation of an … Read more
CCLT Ecovillage
CCLT is a community-led project to deliver affordable and sustainable housing, owned and managed by its residents as a Community Land Trust. CCLT will deliver homes which local people can truly afford - now and forever - both ‘affordable’ housing and reduced price market housing. Building community is at the heart of the CCLT project. The design intends to include shared facilities along cohousing principles. CCLT will show that new development can be good for the environment. The project … Read more
LebensGut Miteinander
Auf einem 16 ha großen ehemaligen Klostergut existiert seit 2015 ein multi-dimensionales Gemeinschaft- wohn- und Arbeitsprojekt. Es besteht dzt. aus 5 vernetzten Projektbereichen: 1) Generationen-übergreifendes Gemeinschaftswohnprojekt, 2) Biologische Gemüsebau-Landwirtschaft, 3) Kindertagesbetreuung, 4) therapeutische Praxisgemeinschaft, 5) Seminar- und Kulturzentrum, weiters soll 6) eine Tagesbetreuung für ältere Menschen und evtl. später 7) eine Schule für Kinder von 1.-9. Schulstufe … Read more
Auroville (City of Dawn) is an experimental township in Viluppuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu, India, near Puducherry in India. Inspired by the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Auroville was founded in 1968 by the Mother (Mira Alfassa) in accordance with her dream of a universal township living in harmony with itself and the wider world. Receiving support from UNESCO and the government of India Auroville is today an endorsed ongoing experiment in human unity and transformation of … Read more
Hof Medewege
We are a community of diverse individuals organized in plenty of projects, intitiatives and businesses located close to Schwerin in northern Germany. In Medewege agriculture meets craft, arts, culture and education. Our whole project began in 1991 with the foundation of a Waldorf Kindergarten on an abandoned estate surrounded by agricultural areas. Gradually, we then started with farming and food processing, from milk to yoghurt, from grain to bread, from apple to juice. All of our farming and … Read more
Earth You
„EarthYou“ is a non-profit organization funded as an association in Portugal called „Associação Aldeia Ecológica EarthYou“. The name stands for the growth of a sustainable lifestyle in tune with nature, getting back to the roots, decreasing the velocity of todays’ life, for Earth, for You...Earth You! We are a sustainably thinking group with currently 10 members. Among the members we have qualifications within the hotel and restaurant industries, elderly and child care, art and culture, … Read more
La Vereda
Somos un grupo de personas formado por 8 adultas, 7 niñas que hemos adquirido un espacio en el ámbito rural cercano a la ciudad de Logroño, donde establecer viviendas, espacios comunes y terrenos que permitan los siguientes aspectos: -Desarrollar una comunidad de vida con relaciones de cercanía y cuidado entre las personas, y de estás con el territorio. - Contacto y equilibrio con la naturaleza. - Avanzar hacia una sostenibilidad ecológica con mayor autonomía en la alimentación, la … Read more