La Aldea Ecológica GAIA es parte del movimiento que aspira volver a la naturaleza y lo natural. Fortalecer el proceso de construcción que hoy transita desde la sociedad industrial hacia una sociedad donde pueda permanecer la vida. La aldea es una iniciativa hasta ahora familiar, con la voluntad de ampliarse. … Read more
Strohplatz is a learning place for selfsufficiency, non-violent communication, permaculture and foodforesting. … Read more
As One Suzuka Community
Some volunteers gathered to start community building in the end of 2000, aiming the happy world without any conflict. The name ‘AS-ONE’ was taken from a line of John Lennon’s masterpiece Imagine, ‘and the world will be as one'. Each one lives in their favorite house in each ones favorite way of livingin central Suzuka city, and it is difficult for local citizens to tell our community members apart by appearances. However, we have kept deepening and developing our social systems and activities … Read more
Headwaters Garden and Learning Center is built around a shared ethic of land stewardship, reverence for nature, mutual support and respect, and a sustainable life. We strive to build a resilient web of relationships between our community, ourselves, nature, and spirit. We want to cultivate food, energy, and our human spirit to honor all our relations, and thereby eliminate impoverishment and exploitative relationships with Earth and humanity. Our shared work on the land, in our neighborhoods, … Read more
Santa Barbara Eco-Village
The Santa Barbara Eco-Village vision is to create a place to gather and care for the Earth, ourselves and each other. A place to pull our resources and talents to live a healthier and more fulfilling life that can be sustained for generation as we help people of all ages and backgrounds. The Santa Barbara Eco-Village mission is to support and promote sustainable lifestyles. The project focuses on community living, land restauration, health and education. Resources will be directed towards … Read more
Serene Light Gardens / Finca Luz Serena
This pilot project aims to create an ecological settlement, as well as a therapeutic and educational center, which will serve as a model and living reference for an integrative and symbiotic way of life with our natural environment. Everything will be surrounded by permacultural gardens of great beauty. … Read more
Ura Gora
Ura Gora means Hurray for the forest, a celebration of renewal and growth- an ever growing forest of trees and a forest of people who may inhabit together this beautiful place in South Bulgaria. Our Foundation is based in 'Rodovo Selishte', the first eco-village in Bulgaria, where we currently have eight families living together on their own plots of land. The 'Ura Gora' founders are two young families who have settled in the fields of a deforested and degraded territory in Strandja Sakar, … Read more
Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (ISEES)
ISEES Center for Community and Ecovillage Development – is established as a living and learning center to build the capacity of ecovillage leaders and transition local communities into ecovillages. Projects such as the Bomigo Ecovillage Project seek to build resilience in local communities towards climate change adaptation, mangrove conservation and sustainable energy for productive uses. … Read more
Ecovillage at SEED, an International Community for Sustainable Living
Our ecovillage is comprised of members who own ½ hectare (~1.25 acre) private lots within the 150-hectare (~370 acre) sustainability focused SEED Corporation property. SEED is an acronym for Society for Ecological Education and Development. The five SEED Corporation partners all have ecological education and development backgrounds, and each owns or co-owns a residential property in the ecovillage. The Ecovillage at SEED is one of the corporation’s primary projects. Another is the ongoing … Read more
Windward Intentional Community
--What is Windward? Windward is an intentional community and sustainability research center located on the eastern edge of the Cascadian Wilderness in southern Washington State, about 80 miles east of Portland, Oregon. As a community of people and a research cooperative of farmers, scientists, historians, healers, engineers and artists, Windward is guided by the understanding that it is time for radical change and that there is nothing more radical than a working model of a better … Read more