We are a community based in a ecovillage on the mountains of Portugal outside of Viseu. This place used to be and abandon old village, where our ancestors carved by hand the beautiful terraces, springs and stone houses we have. We been living here since 10years, and finally decided to give birth to our Holistic Institute to unify all our visions and manifest them in this lands. Our main intention is to create a nature sanctuary, we believe that is the foundation for human well being and … Read more
Gia Mantra Global Village
It takes a village to build a village! There are so many aspects to Gia Mantra and so many people involved…there are architects, designers, food forest farmers, chefs, cleaners, builders, engineers, project managers, accountants, laborers, electricians, sustainability experts, recyclers, seamstresses, investors, translators, cooperative educators and many many many more! … Read more
We are an association of creative individuals spanning of all age and vocation, connect and organize dynamic community contribution centre. We are inspired by nature, history, archeology, tradition, permaculture, spirituality, music, education, old crafts; and aspire to implement sustainable lifestyle into our urban environment. … Read more
Ecoaldea Mi Tribu
Somos Mi Tribu, an ecovillage that inhabits and cares for a territory called La Flora, in La Vega Cundinamarca - Colombia. Our work is focused on: valuing diversity, being nature and caring for life, promoting the development of the Being, caring for the social fabric, practicing participatory governance, sharing tenure and management of the territory, developing a regenerative culture, being a learning community connected to the world and enjoying the process. … Read more
Dankunku Ecovillage Project The Gambia
Dankunku Ecovillage Project promoting indigenuos people knowledge and legacy traditional practices,Indigenous farmer their skills and knowledge and handicrafts. People can benefit from authentic experiences that allow them to learn about the local culture and skills . … Read more
Lebensgarten Steyerberg
The purpose of the Association is to promote popular education and cultural purposes.The purpose of the Association is to offer and hold educational courses, seminars, performances and other suitable events, and thereby, as well as through appropriate research, to promote educational objectives. … Read more
Sanación Natural para el Mundo.
Aquí hacemos Medicina natural ancestral, Yoga, Temazcal, Wachuma, Ayahuasca, Agricultura orgánica, tenemos arboles de Aguacate, Café, mandarinas, guabas y más, huerto de verduras a disposición. También hacemos Productos artesanales como Chocolate, Tabaco, Aceites esenciales, Esencias, Pomadas, Miel de agave y Miel de Abejas que al comerciarlos nos ayudan a la conservación del proyecto. … Read more
Bioaldeia Arawikay
Bioaldeia Arawikay é uma pequena comunidade intencional proativa desde o ano 2000 que está criando um Anel Ecológico para mais novas eco moradas de pessoas afins ao estilo neorrural florestal. Com vocação e boa convivência com a vida selvagem andamos pelos caminhos da sustentabilidade ética. Habitamos um vale florestal e de agricultura, em Santa Catarina, Antônio Carlos, (a 47km de Florianópolis) … Read more
Ecoaldea Anaconda del Sur
La ecoaldea Anaconda del Sur es una propuesta de vida permacultural basada en la recuperación y puesta en práctica de la cosmovisión del "buen vivir" con el fin de volver a la esencia, reivindicando los valores y saberes tradicionales de los pueblos de la anaconda del sur (Amazonia colombiana). … Read more
Partnership for Nature Education and Conservation (Nam Chung, Hong Kong)
We are a tiny community of around 10 people located in the rural NE New Territories of Hong Kong. Founded in 2013, the community emerged as a result of a conservation movement in which close to 100 people pooled in their money and wisdom, trying to save farmland and natural landscape in the are from being bulldozed and developed. Seeing the need for land-based sustainability education for the public in Hong Kong and coming together as an intentional community to respond to the many eco-social … Read more