Au moment où la RCA se prépare à réviser sa Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN), valider sa stratégie nationale REDD+, et propulser des réformes dans le secteur forestier, fort est de constater que d’une part, les intérêts spécifiques des femmes sont littéralement absents de ces processus, et d’autre part, elles subissent de plein fouet les impacts dus à cela. … Read more
Jaguar Chirripo
Special Project Sustainable Development Living Models & Conceptual Solutions Conceptual ARTISTRY Permaculture + Architecture + Plastic Arts Harmony and sustainability + safety and comfort + warmth and beauty= Living Sculptures Designs based on human needs, geographical and climatic conditions, biological and orographic, cultural and vernacular architecture. … Read more
Barrio cultural Ejido sur
La Comunidad de Colonos del Ejido Sur tenemos el gusto de informarles que declaramos a nuestra colonia como un Barrio Cultural donde convergen diversos espacios que impulsan y promueven el Bien Estar de las familias que habitamos en las hermosas tierras de Solidaridad. … Read more
SCOPE Zimbabwe – Ecovillage@Chitubu
Ecovillage@Chitubu was established in March 2018, 23km West of Harare, Zimbabwe. It was founded with the aim of creating a place for young people to reconnect and listen to the land. It offers all the possibilities of living off grid; from 100% renewable energy, organic food, earth building and embody the traditional and spiritual worlds. It has grown in its grass thatched and earth plastered huts … Read more
Les Femmes Leaders de la Lobaye (M’baiki), et de la Kémo (Dékoa) dans le plaidoyer en faveur de leur participation Au sein des instances décisionnelles de la Gouvernance Forestière: Objectif Agenda 2030.
Au moment où la RCA se prépare à réviser sa Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN), valider sa stratégie nationale REDD+, et propulser des réformes dans le secteur forestier, fort est de constater que d’une part, les intérêts spécifiques des femmes sont littéralement absents de ces processus, et d’autre part, que les femmes rurales qui subissent les impacts de tous ces problèmes … Read more
Ecovillage and LAND-center to be. Conciously holistic sustainability. First estate donated to Ikikaiku Foundation aiming to study and learn the best practicies of sustainability and to make it possible for people to devote themselves to taking care of land without owning it. … Read more
Yaakunaj Amor
Explore, on a daily basis, sustained and sustainable ways for cooperative and supportive good living, fully integrating respect for and love of nature as a living being that embraces us. Being and Living in harmony to Serve in the bioregion as Guardians and Ambassadors of our Planetary Sovereignty. … Read more
Coops to Co-ops
In Princess Anne Maryland a sustainable project created to be an example of a new way to live in the world launched in 2019. … Read more
Vía Orgánica
The Vía Orgánica Ecological Ranch was established in 2012 and it is an educational model in organic and regenerative agriculture and sustainable living. The ranch is a training and networking center for farmers, families, and activists. The Via Organica Ecological Ranch and Conference Center is located in the Jalpa Valley of Central Mexico, just 15 minutes outside of the beautiful World Heritage City, San Miguel de Allende. The Ecological Ranch serves as an educational farm and training … Read more
Conscious Movement Luxembourg
Conscious Movement Luxembourg is a non-profit organization founded in 2018 and its mission is to protect essential human rights and facilitate social interaction. We believe in holding space and nurturing the nature of community life. Together we move, breathe, eat and dance consciousness. Welcome home. … Read more