PermaTree a Holistic Gaia Association – Permaculture, organic tropical fruit farm and nature reserve at the edge of the amazon in Ecuador … Read more
Ecovila Ayrumã
Ayrumã Ecovillage is a sustainable settlement of an intentional community that seeks to promote a sustainable way of life integrating the ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions, to inspire the construction of a more just and balanced world. Through our non-profit organization, we promote a local network of partnership for the conservation of biodiversity and culture. … Read more
Sólheimar Iceland
Sólheimar is a village in southern Iceland, located about 80 km from Reykjavík. Founded in 1930 by Sesselja H. Sigmundsdóttir (1902-1974), it is the first community of its kind in the world, where so called able and disabled people live and work together. Sólheimar is also the first community in Scandinavia where organic cultivation is practised. Today Sólheimar is a village with 100 inhabitants, 40 of whom have disabilities, and spreads across an area of approximately 250 hectares. Sólheimar … Read more
Hof Hackenow
We are a small group of people settling in the very east of Brandenburg close to the polish border in the beautiful Oderbruch region. We have 2ha of space and two houses on it that needs renovation. We plan on doing permaculture in order to provide us with local fresh veggies, at the same time we strive to not destroy and protect the last bits of nature around us if possible - so to live peacefully with other creatures around us. In the future we plan on becoming a place that people can … Read more
Edenhope Nature Preserve
The Edenhope Nature Preserve is an ecovillage located in a registered Community Conservation Area on West Coast Santo, Vanuatu. The land comprises 786ha of intact, old-growth rainforest, offering a beautiful backdrop to our peaceful way of life. In this time of global shift and transition, Edenhope Nature Preserve is a sanctuary for people to come and be part of the new world. The crisis of this planet is our catalyst for inner transformation: this ecovillage exists to present a transcendent … Read more
Magic Forest Community in Bulgaria
We are 3 families (with a total of 8 kids) based in Bulgaria, an hour South-West of Sofia, in a neighborhood of a village, suitable for populating to form an environmentally-friendly community within the same physical area. We have an extended network of other families that have chosen a life in nature in the surrounding area (20 km radius) that we meet with and support each other. … Read more
Shangri-la is and wants to be an intentional community for living a healthy lifestyle, free from EMF/microwaves radiations. We offer a holistic healthy environment and life FREE from unhealthy pollution from electromagnetic/EMF, wireless radiations (i.e. WiFi/mobiles) We do not have and do not allow WiFi so the CONNECTION is much better here... There is a long term possibility to join as a resident. It is also a place that offers BnB (rooms for rent) for short, or (with special … Read more
8thLife Permaculture Farm
8thLife is a permaculture farm receiving volunteers through the European Solidarity Corp. If you are between 18 and 30 years old and want to volunteer with us for 9 months, contact us. Please note that we do not offer other kind of volunteer opportunities and we don't receive visitors. … Read more
Lifechanyuan International Family Society (Thailand Branch)
Thailand branch is a small sample of new life mode created by Lifechanyuan through 800 values and was built under the rich experience of over 10 years from Mainland China. It is a small OASIS for life, for human beings on earth, a harmonious and happy land for all diligent, kind, sincere, and trust-worthy people. Welcome to visit, experience, and join us! … Read more
Moonshine Tribe
Be welcome at the Moonshine house! A place to grow, vegetable and awareness, through the practice of LOVE, WISDOM and CREATIVITY. A Spiritual Garden, located in a land of abundance where we wish to live of natural agriculture and esoteric experiences. A Tribal Community where child can be Masters and adults child ! Now expanding towards a mycosustainble diffuse tribe model with new And innovative housing projects. … Read more