Kibbutz Lotan is located in the far South of Israel, 55 kmorth of Eilat. "Members" of the cooperative fluctuate between 45-65, 4070 children. The community is multi-generational with students and volunteers from Israel and abroad coming for educational programmes. We are a cooperative settlement, jointly owning the land, community buildings and means of production. Joint economic initiatives include date orchards, dairy, photovoltaic electricity production, eco-tourism guest house and our Center … Read more
Comunidad Los Horcones
Los Horcones is a community comprised of people interested in preventing and trying to find solutions to social problems in our contemporary world. The lifestyle lived by those in the community is based on the principles of cooperation, equality, non-violence, solidarity and respect as well as appreciation of the environment. When the founders of Los Horcones realised that behavioural psychology, when correctly applied to education, could lead to children acquiring new habits and ways of … Read more
Fundación Durika
Open to visitors since 1995 and accessible by road since 1997, the Durika Biological Reserve (DBR) offers the true naturalist a unique opportunity to get to know this extraordinary area with little known biodiversity in this region of Costa Rica. Durika is a private reserve that protects approximately 8500 hectares localized in the top of the Talamanca Mountain Range, in the south west part of the country, about 17 kilometers North East of the town of Buenos Aires. Motivated because of … Read more
Las Cañadas Bosque de Niebla
Las Cañadas Bosque de Niebla is a centre for agro-ecology and permaculture, situated in one of the last remaining islands of the Bosque de Niebla- the forest of mist-, in Mexico’s central Veracruz region. Here, permaculture is used as a design tool with the aim of learning how to implement and share a sustainable way of living. We are continuously developing creative solutions to solve both social and environmental problems that persist in this era of accelerated climate change. The centre is … Read more
Los Angeles Eco-Village
Los Angeles Eco-Village is a place name for our transit rich two block neighborhood three miles west of Downtown Los Angeles. Three nonprofit organizations are working toward reinventing how we live in the City. Our 45 member intentional community does this by demonstrating higher quality living patterns at much lower environmental impacts, engaging with one another, our neighbors and the City at large in a variety of hands-on and educational activities. We try to maximize the beneficial … Read more