Gita Nagari is America’s first slaughter-free dairy farm and promotes compassion to all living beings through vegetarianism and connecting with nature. They use regenerative agricultural practices, preserve the natural forest that surrounds the farm by removing invasive species and planting natives, and have formed a variety of partnerships to further the mission. They provide wellness retreats that support one’s mind, body and spirit, and help the surrounding community by partnering with … Read more
Unity Sanctuary
We envision a small, intentional community of healing and spiritual arts practitioners tending to a regenerative, land-based retreat center. We are in the process of selling our land in Oregon and looking for a new home for the vision. We are open to relocating. We are in search of partners who are ready to collaborate. This means they are dedicated healing or spiritual arts practitioners, have financial resources to contribute, have some practical skills, have some community living … Read more
Mobile Permaculture Village
Searching for volunteers to build a sanctuary to help those running out of option to survive. Our goal is for each person that we rescue and incorporate into our community, they in turn pay it forward by dedicating their life to help rescue at minimum two additional people. And those that they rescue in turn do the same. Show gratitude by paying it forward & backward. … Read more
Nanku Village
Spanning across 22 hectares of pristine land, our community features 50 thoughtfully planned lots that seamlessly blend with the surrounding landscape. … Read more
Paradise Garden Ecuador
Our Vision We envision a christian vegan raw fruitarian community living in a beautiful fruit forest, where all of creation thrive together in peace, joy and harmony. Our Mission Our mission is to create the community and the forest by employing widely successful community and fruit forest farming practices such as CBDM, NVC, permaculture, work exchanges, renting etc. Our Core Values Family Friendly Fitness Godliness Love, Grace and Forgiveness Natural Hygiene / … Read more
Ramaviva fue fundada por Abelito en 2016. Era el camino de regreso de la ciudad al campo. Una media hectárea de terreno en la cordillera de Guaniuanico. El primer lugar de Cuba que funciona como un sistema de permacultura holístico. Ramaviva es la conexión de la comunidad local guajira y otra, de origen citadino, con interes en la permacultura y la re-ligación a través de prácticas eco-espirituales. Es la casa sui generis de ambos. Se ha diseñado desde la observación y la interacción con la … Read more
Gia Mantra Global Village
It takes a village to build a village! There are so many aspects to Gia Mantra and so many people involved…there are architects, designers, food forest farmers, chefs, cleaners, builders, engineers, project managers, accountants, laborers, electricians, sustainability experts, recyclers, seamstresses, investors, translators, cooperative educators and many many many more! … Read more
Lebensgarten Steyerberg
The purpose of the Association is to promote popular education and cultural purposes.The purpose of the Association is to offer and hold educational courses, seminars, performances and other suitable events, and thereby, as well as through appropriate research, to promote educational objectives. … Read more
Ecoaldea-IEAN Jesús, sustentabilidad y espiritualidad.
Nuestra comunidad mantiene un enfoque social, espiritual y de sustentabilidad autónoma de la economía de los miembros, se capacita a los miembros en: teología, finanzas, creación de huertos urbanos y formación de emprendimientos para la sostenibilidad de las familias. … Read more
la parroquia Matus es una parroquia Rural, actualmente por su tamaño aloja una cantidad pequeña de habitantes, los mismos que se dedican a actividades ganaderas, agrícolas y turísticas, los cuales son consientes de que es suya la obligación constante de mantener la naturaleza que los rodea de mejor manera, cuidando siempre del ecosistema … Read more