What an incredible moment to be alive Here we stand, at the convergence of the intertwining crises that threaten the future of all life on earth, and the growing awakening to our place in the web of life as caretakers of this precious blue-green sphere floating in space. With the technology and knowledge now capable of both destroying and regenerating life on earth, we have become the keystone species of this planet. The question now is can we overcome the powers of greed and hatred in … Read more
Wandering Coyote Community
We are a multigenerational group, thriving in mutual respect and support. We are co-learning and implementing permaculture living approaches to build an off-grid sustainable community on 30 acres in southern BC, Canada. We are welcoming new members to join us at the beginning phase of the community to help make decisions and help develop the communal areas. … Read more
New Oasis for Life Commune
Lifechanyuan’s new mode of production and life in the New Oasis for Life will solve these twenty one problems that have been handed to us over thousands of years of human history: It will free women from their daily trivial chores forever. The elderly will lead their happiest lives in old age whether they have children and receive pensions or not. The phenomenon of orphans will disappear, … … Read more
Renaissance Permaculture
The project as it stands is converting a mostly raw hay field into a sustainable community. We are looking for founding members to help with the building of infrastructure and utilities needed to support a small group of people who would like to live off grid. We hope to find 20 people who will share the dream with us. Goals -Village-Education-Farm -Workshop -Biogas -Mushroom house -Market Garden … Read more
Chuckleberry Community Farm
Laughter and song echo in the evenings, intertwined with the rushing waters of Falls Creek pouring through the deep gully on the western side of the pristine 23 acres of forest that is home to Chuckleberry Community Farm. Every day, the Selkirk mountains of the West Kootenays offer a breathtaking, ever-changing Awesome View. You will find us taking in the view from the earthship rooftop deck, waking from a night under the stars. You will find us doing morning practices in the orchard, or … Read more
Edgewood Ecovillage
This community is in the "FORMING" stage. We are currently applying for funding to help us get our people and our partners ready and able to dive into the long journey we have ahead. THE OVERALL CONCEPT 20-30 residential units A shared Members Activity Centre ("The MAC") A number of trials through a variety of natural habitats (bog, beach, protected salt marsh, forests, and wetlands) The residents will all be ages 50+ (with some lee way to allow members as young as … Read more
Culture Caravan
Culture Caravan is a Nomadic Family committed to healing & creating a regenerative culture. Culture Caravan is a Gaian Gameworld that creates, inhabits and navigates bridges that create paths of healing from a capitalist patriarchal exploitative culture, to a regenerative culture that works in harmony with Gaia. … Read more
Highgrove Farm & Commons
Highgrove is an experiment of regeneration at the person, place, and community level. We use adaptive design and evidence based decision making to effectively speed learning and responsiveness; primarily to address pressing social and environmental concerns that effect us all. We adhere to mixed-used regenerative practices with an integrated blend of pastures, food forests and gardens growing a variety of healthy food while increasing the vitality of the environment. We congregate over … Read more
Blueberry Creek Village
Blueberry Creek Village is a non-profit cooperative located on a beautiful 90 acres property, in the Blaeberry, 20 min away from Golden B.C near the Canadian Rockies. The land is surrounded by mountains, has its own creeks and a waterfall! We want to co-create with the environment an eco-village with a human dimension; sustainable houses that work in harmony with their environment! Our main goals are: create an alternative school Produce sustainable food Defend community … Read more
Kootenays Village
Kootenay Lake Innovation Centre is a Creative Coworking Space for Open Source Innovation now creating a Smart Village that will be located in Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada. Our aim is to use regenerative design and create scalable communities for affordable living that solve environmental, economic and social problems. … Read more