Green Zone Side Event COP22
During this session we will share examples and success stories for scaling up and implementing best practices on carbon sequestration, water retention landscaping, biodiversity conservation, regeneration of degraded environments and climate friendly farming practices using different ecovillage solutions from around the world. We will discuss ways that low tech and low cost alternatives are being successfully implemented by ecovillages in Africa and around the world. We will look at and explore interlinkages between climate change and other SDG focusses.

- GEN Showcase Ecovillages by Kosha Joubert, Executive Director, GEN
- GEN and the SDGs: Integrated responses by Rob Wheeler, GEN
- Carbon Sequestration by Albert Bates, The Farm Ecovillage, Tennessee
- Greening Schools in Zimbabwe by Linda Kabaira, Board, GEN-Africa, Zimbabwe
- Youth-led Ecovillage Projects, Sonita Mbah, Better World, Cameroon
- The Pan-African Ecovillage Programme, Trinto Mugangu, President GEN Congo
- Agro-ecology and Ecovillage Development, Saad Dagher, Palestine
- Ecovillages in Tanzania, Michael Farrelly Tanzania