GEN regularly collaborates with non-governmental organisations, government offices and ministries, networks, movements, associations, and academic institutions with similar values and aspirations. Working together, we can accomplish what was thought of as impossible, and amplify our impacts on the world!
Partner with the Global Ecovillage Network to co-create a more sustainable and regenerative future. Whether you’re an individual, organization, or business, there are countless ways to collaborate and support the ecovillage movement. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please fill out this form and someone from our team will reach out to you.
Gaia Trust
GEN has been generously supported since its inception by GAIA Trust, a Danish-based charitable association founded in 1987 on the initiative of Hildur and Ross Jackson, with the intention of supporting the transition to a sustainable society through grants and proactive initiatives.
Gaia Education
A leading-edge provider of sustainability education that promotes thriving communities within planetary boundaries, promoting a holistic systems approach to education for sustainable development. It has successfully supported the delivery of more than 240 programmes in 43 countries over 6 continents, reaching over 12100 students.
Supporting the establishment of a Europe made by citizens for citizens, in a process of sustainable development based on equal opportunities and partnership. Membership is from 12 European Union countries. Activities include projects to promote local development, and implementing contracts for public authorities.
Alianzas para la Abundancia
Alianzas para la Abundancia was born with the objective of contributing to the recognition and promotion of cultural and biological diversity, as a fundamental basis for the care of life and the generation of abundance for the common good. Alianzas para la Abundancia contributes to Good Living, strengthening communities, caring for the territories, their ecosystems and species, integrating the dimensions of sustainability in its social, ecological, economic and worldview.
Promotes sustainable lifestyles for people, organizations and territories in order to move towards a more resilient society, economy and planetary living. Trainers, consultants and researchers support in the facilitation of leadership, organizational transformation, community empowerment and social entrepreneurship.
CAPE brings sustainable education to life through custom programs based in ecovillages – communities integrating ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions of sustainability. Working with your vision to create meaningful, transformative programs you can be proud to promote as your own.
Climate Change & Consciousness: Our Legacy for the Earth, April 20-26 2019, will be a collaborative and participatory investigation into how we can steward a sustainable future on what has already become a radically changed planet Earth. The conference will bring together scientists, wisdom keepers, business people, activists, artists, young people and others, to envision and begin to inhabit our joint future.
Context Institute
Devoted to helping create the best possible 21st century. One of a handful of organizations that have focused on sustainability as a central theme for more than 35 years, and internationally recognized as an authority in this area. Much of its work focuses on encouraging the sustainable redevelopment of the industrialized world.
Club of Rome
The Club of Rome is an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference. CoR members are notable scientists, economists, businessmen and businesswomen, high level civil servants and former heads of state from around the world. CoR’s mission is to promote understanding of the global challenges facing humanity and to propose solutions through scientific analysis, communication and advocacy.
Dalia Association
Established by members of the Palestinian community from the West Bank, Dalia’s vision is to realize our rights as Palestinians to control our resources and sustain our own development for generations to come. Our mission is to mobilize and properly utilize resources necessary to empower a vibrant, independent and accountable civil society.
Dances of Universal Peace
DUP IN provides support to about 1200 dance leaders for the development and delivery of dances of universal peace worldwide, and oversees a system of mentoring to manifest the transmission of the dances from Murshid Samuel Lewis and our sufi lineage.
Deep Time Walk
Deep Time Walk is an innovative tool for connecting with Gaia’s deep history.
It can be experienced anywhere, to learn about key concepts from Earth’s evolution and experience a unique perspective of deep time. A transformative experience, the Deep Time Walk brings together excellence in science, the arts and appropriate technology to provide a unique experience of Earth’s history.
European coalition of organisations supporting local community initiatives, working towards dynamic, resilient communities with a net zero carbon footprint. Members include networks of community- based initiatives, as well as other bodies engaged in European- level research, training, or communications to support community-based action on climate change and sustainability.
Ecologia Youth Trust
Ecologia’s work is driven by its vision of a world where all young people can thrive within their communities. It believes the only way to achieve this in a sustainable way, is to enable disadvantaged children and young people to realise their potential and to take an active role in promoting sustainable living all over the world so that they can improve their lives in the long-term.
Ecosystem Restoration Camps
Restoring ecological functionality to designated areas and building “Research, Training and Innovation Centers for Ecological Restoration” to engage people in inquiry into ecological restoration, to train people in existing techniques and for the innovation of new techniques for restoring degraded lands in perpetuity.
Earth Rights Institute
Earth Rights Institute (ERI) is designed to be an equilateral knowledge platform, where local people collaborate with academics and development professionals, both local and foreign, by exchanging skills, experiences, and knowledge to solve crucial development issues such as widespread poverty, land right disputes and environmental degradation.
Espoir pour Tous
Espoir pour Tous is a non-profit association fighting against food waste and social exclusion through three main axes: the distribution of food packages, organization of solidarity meals, the organization of educational workshops.
Fantastic Fungi
Fantastic Fungi, a film directed by Louie Schwartzberg, is a consciousness-shifting film that takes us on an immersive journey through time and scale into the magical earth beneath our feet, an underground network that can heal and save our planet. GEN helped promote the release of the film worldwide through its network in 2020.
A Portuguese scientific collaboration of multiple research groups, with more than 400 ongoing projects. Promotes research and technological development activities, provides qualified human resources training and offers consulting expertise and knowledge dissemination. Objectives include the social and economic value of knowledge and ensuring the sustainability of the economic sphere.
The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the development of intentional communities, and the evolution of cooperative culture.
Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets works at the crossroads of wildlife protection, environmental education, and sustainable development, engaging rural populations in the sustainable development of their communities. They advocate for mutual respect between human beings, natural wealth, and cultural heritage, to achieve positive progress in Armenia.
Green Phoenix
A platform and a tool to support the imminent and mandatory “system change” to a new and healthy culture on all levels and in all fields of human life. Green Phoenix researches questions of all four quadrants of Ecology, Economy, Community and Consciousness/Spirituality and supports deep and effective communication between communities, experts and the public.
Green Releaf Initiative
Green Releaf is a community – led transition initiative supporting transitions in emergencies and crises using whole systems design. Green Releaf forms teams depending on the local context and experience. Together with local leaders they empower, and ask, “How can we solve the problem learning from the actions that caused it in the first place?”
Institute for Participatory Design (IPG)
The IPG is specialized in participation and collaborative design processes, working in flexible interdisciplinary teams well chosen for the needs of projects. This way the IPG adapts to the given context as process facilitators for initiatives, businesses or organizations, consultants and concept developers, trainers and educators, an office for participatory (landscape) architecture, a methodological think tank and a research institute.
International Holistic Centers Gathering
Serves as the principal meeting point for Centers that address the new consciousness currently emerging worldwide. It includes rural retreat centers, urban learning centers, accredited and non-accredited organizations, that work toward the goal of transforming individual lives and fostering a culture of greater holistic, ecological and spiritual awareness and practice.
International Network of Engaged Buddhists
INEB’s network of individuals and organizations is active in more than 25 countries across Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. From this diversity, an understanding of socially engaged Buddhism has emerged which integrates the practice of Buddhism with social action for a healthy, just, and peaceful world.
Let’s Do It!
Let’s Do It! World is a civic-led mass movement that began in Estonia in 2008 when 50,000 people united together to clean up the entire country in just five hours. Since then, Let’s Do It! has spread this model—one country in one day—around the world. To date, nearly 120 countries and 20 million people have joined us to clean up illegal waste.
The Movement for Community Led Development
Members work together to take community-led development to “transformative scale” – beyond small projects, to a level that transforms society. It is a planning and development approach that’s based on a set of core principles that set vision and priorities by the people who live in that geographic community, putting local voices in the lead.
Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy
Folkecenter is a non-profit, independent, organisation that provides research, development and testing of technology, training and information to promote the implementation of renewable energy technologies and energy savings in Denmark and internationally.
Pioneers of Change
Pioneers of Change empowers early stage changemakers through trainings and learning journeys. This programme strengthens leadership capabilities and enhances skills and knowhow to transform individual visions of a sustainable and peaceful society into concrete projects and organisations like social businesses.
Pocket Project
Pocket Project’s mission is to stop the vicious cycle of recurring collective trauma and ultimately integrate and reduce its effects in our global culture. Doing this through scientific and psychological research, developing tools and competencies, training, raising awareness and building cultures of prevention.
Post Growth Alliance
An international movement that explores paths to prosperity beyond economic growth. An initiative of the Post Growth Institute, it serves as a megaphone for the voices speaking for a global futures approach – the perception that, on a planet of finite resources, economies and populations cannot grow infinitely.
Redes is the Network for the emergence & development of ecovillages in Sahel. Born in the region it serves, REDES helps traditional communities become ecovillages by blending deep-rooted culture with modern ecological and community-building methods. Our ecovillage networks of trust – now including over 100 villages in Senegal and Mauritania – address the critical needs of the Sahel’s people and nature through on-the-ground, tangible results.
RESCOPE’s vision is to improve the quality of life in African communities, by transforming schools to become productive centres that are rich in agro-ecological resources for their communities.
Sandele Foundation
The Sandele Foundation exists to provide opportunities for local Gambians and local development. The Foundation is the link between Sandele Eco-Retreat, the village of Kartong and other relevant projects – including the planned Sandele Appropriate Technology Exhibition Centre.
tsiMORAY is a dynamic and enterprising Moray-based charity, based in Moray, North East Scotland, working to build inclusive, engaged and thriving communities. tsiMORAY connects people and place, community groups and voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises, volunteers and volunteering.
By doing this tsiMORAY helps people – self-organised in community-led groups and organisations – to identify and address their own opportunities and challenges, as well as influence decision-making and get involved in the design and delivery of public services in Moray.

Stiftung Hübner und Kennedy gemeinnützige GmbH
Supporting new ideas and stimulating a constant exchange of knowledge, Stiftung Hüber und Kennedy gemeinnützige GmbH strives for change to improve the coexistence in our society and to move forward the safeguarding of the natural basis of life.