ASHA (Alchemy School of Healing Arts) is a Retreat and Community Center located underneath a medieval village in Southern Tuscany. The Center is the cornerstone of an initiative to regenerate the village – which is mostly uninhabited – into a thriving Intentional Community.
The continuation of growing our existing 40,000 person online community is the foundation for the center. It will become the land-based academy and safe haven dedicated to ethically, environmentally, and socially responsible living, commerce, and business.
In the first phase as of April 2020, we will regenerate the land and the buildings. We welcome Volunteers who would like to contribute in bringing our vision to life. Please do have a look at our website and get in touch with us if are interested in working with us as: Electrician, Painter, Carpenter, Plumbing, Cook, Pruning, Permaculturist, Community Building or the willingness to do some manual labour wherever it is needed.
We are looking forward to meeting you and can’t wait to see it all get filled with more life every day..)
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 10
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
The first phase as of April 2020 is all about regenerating the land and the houses. For this we welcome volunteers to come join us - please have a look at our website for more details:
cordial saludo
Busco habitar en una ecoaldea o algo similar, busco la sustentabilidad y también ayudar a la comunidad donde vaya a vivir, soy tecnologo en saneamiento ambiental, estudiante de ingeniería agroforestal, sentido de desarrollo espiritual, conocimientos en agroecología y desarrollo rural, medicina ancestral, cultivos urbanos, etc.
aunque no poseo en el momento recursos económicos, busco vivir a largo plazo en una comunidad de este tipo y aportar con mi saber.
Gerardo Lopez
tel 3208690425
tunja – Boyaca
Hi Gerardo
I am in a similar situation and looking at this website for the very first time. Your post gives me the hope to find other people looking for a ‘new’ life, or an existing place (did you look at Tamera?).
Thank you for posting this.
The more I get into it the more places I find. It’s wonderful!
What I would really like to find is such a place close to the sea because that climate is very helpful for my old bones 😉
I am thinking about getting a small mobilehome and a dog to go and see some of these places in southern Europe. Oh, by the way: I am highly allergic to Gurus and sects!
Of course it would be nice to have a friend (a she or a he) to come along…
What more to say? I have a lot of knowledge and experience in a wide range of subjects, an agile mind, inventing solutions, always keen to learn, helping animals and fighting for the planet. I was an artist living in caravans, boatbuilder, captain, secretary, animal trainer, Impresario, since 2013 living in my collocation in a rented highly expensive 170sqm roof duplex, getting tired of never finding the right people. I am not able to do heavy body work cause I have a broken spine (accident, longtime ago) and will be 66 this summer, still a smoker.
I just wonder when we will be able to travel again. I think I should be ready by late fall, intschalla.
Best regards from Zurich to everyone who reads this.
Ursula Sand (>FB)
+41794373838 (whatsapp)
Would like to learn more and come visit
Hi Ursula, I totally resonate with your message, and I sent you a message on your whatsapp number. Kind Regards, Sage