-Ecovillage & Nature Center AyA strives for self-sufficiency in food, energy, water and cradle-to-cradle;
-Caring for each other, personal development, involvement and building a resilient community;
-Strengthening nature, restoring biodiversity;
-Personal qualities are used as much as possible / space for personal development;
-Our own houses under our own management or to be built ourselves, with sustainable materials and methods;
-Cooperate with the local economy and local residents to create win-win situations;
-Nature education, setting an example;
-Tourism and recreation;
-Serving seven generations after us
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 12
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
At this time (nov 2020) there is no complicated or specific protocol to join Aya. Everybody can join, all help is appreciated. You can decide to be little involved, we call that a "Snuffelaar". You get access to our Google Drive with info and we might send you an occassional E-mail with updates and us asking for help. Being a "Gastiyaan" requires a bit more involvement, but you decide when it's time to do so. You get tasks, join meetings and we expect at least 8h a week of your dedication, on average.
Zou graag eens wat meer kennismaken