In just a few years of creation “AZ” come a long way. We understand and marked guidelines for the further promotion and development. Formed such basic concepts: IMAGE OF SETTLEMENTS: The community of free beings living in harmony with themselves and the world around them, in abundance, wealth and love. MISSION OF SETTLEMENTS: through the creation of sustainable, self-sufficient, independent of the Community system to show the world an alternative way of life. Under the alternative method we understand a life, in which:
is a man of living in galore (is in excess of all that he needed for life)
He is a man of living in harmony with oneself and other people, nature, the cosmos;
He is a man of living in love and it shows in their thoughts, words, actions.
is a man of understanding has the ability to make the path itself from the individual to the infinite, eternal essence, particle total, one with all creation.
is a man of no need to seek something, develop something, to achieve something, to deal with something inside or on the outside
Is a man of moves by getting rid of the conventions and restrictions to the Truth and the infinite Love, which he is.
2. Mission. Create Human Development Institute – Institute “RA”. This educational center which includes pre-school and school education for children of settlements. As well as the development of abilities and disclosure of the adult population. The founders of the Institute are the landlords PP AZ. Institute participants are invited by the teacher and the inhabitants of the settlement. The main directions of education:
1. Lighting falsity of the way “development” modern “civilization” and its basic principles.
2. Search for and recognition of the truth in all aspects of human life.
3. The manifestation and development of human capabilities.
AIMS software “AZ”: the creation of favorable conditions for the improvement and the full development of each participant in the settlement. CORE VALUES PP “AZ”:
1. Love (love of self and the world)
2. Freedom (free will of each person is limited only by the free will of another person)
3. Development of (each person becomes a resident of “AZ” declares its intention to fully and comprehensively develop)
1. Abundance (we live in a world of abundance, which only need to let into your life; there is no need to seek something, whether it’s love or harvest)
2. Autonomy (fullest possible independence from the existing system, namely: food, water, heat, energy, clothing, education, medicine, the use of natural materials in the construction, as well as non-use of money within the settlements and so on.)
3. Permaculture (way to harmonious interaction with the environment in which the use of a resource does not prevent its permanent renewal)
4. The use of natural materials (the maximum possible use of natural materials in construction, clothing, tools, utensils, medicines, cosmetics and so on.)
5. Donation (donation principle is based on the concepts of “presence” and “need”, ie the fact that a person has in abundance, it is without conditions and without expecting rewards, gives to those who need it)
. 6. The shock of law (the principle of decision-making in the Settlement Solutions software “AZ” affecting the life settlement generally accepted Kopoy take part in the discussion on the Kop are all residents of the settlement has the right to vote only landowner -.. The head of the family, who has shown his the ability to organize the space around them (built his home, family, living in harmony, joy and love). to make a decision requires the unanimous agreement of all of voting.
7. The principle of non-violence. (No one has the right to impose their will or opinion of another person)
So, if the principles, goals and values enunciated in PP AZ coincide with yours, we will be happy to see you part of the settlement. For this you need: To come to a settlement, to meet, to talk and to live (to come to the Altai Mountains in the natural settlement AZ as a guest . Conditions and registration on the website: http://www.altai-zvenigorod.ru/stat-uchastnikom-gosti.html) also recommend that you take part in the III annual World Cathedral creators of the family estate and eco-villages, which takes place in the natural settlement Az in the Altai Mountains from 1 May to 22 September 2016. http://www.eco-pomeshik.ru/ So whether you stay to live here or not – you can get a great amount of knowledge.