We are Daniel & Patti EarthStewards. We seek Co-Founders for a collective run Ecovillage and Sustainable Technologies Educational Center. Our goals are to restore sustainable lifestyles, to live close to the land, and to teach the right use of our planets limited resources.
At Dapala Farm our wish is to co-create with a unified voice and make enduring alliances. We seek to become part of a common voice, will and intent which manifests as sustainability. We want to live sustainable examples which are the measure of all our actions, personal and political. We want our lives and actions to create justice, peace and abundance, safeguard our connection with the land and promote lifestyles which defend the Earth.
We’ve studied the sustainable arts since the 70’s, and for the last 17 years lived our goals of food and energy self-reliance. In 1990 we established a Sustainable Technologies Educational Center and taught the arts of food and energy self-reliance, voluntary simplicity, and right livelihood. We also offered apprenticeships in organic farming and sustainable living. From us people have…
…Learned how to grow the majority of their year around diet. We taught people how to prepare the soil and extend the growing season, and techniques for starting seeds, transplanting, cultivating and harvesting
…Learned how to preserve the majority of their year around diet. We took people from food self-reliant planning and harvesting through the many steps of food processing and preserving
…Gotten hands on self-reliant skills and learned how to live closer to the Earth. We taught how to live on alternative power sources, heating with wood, using water systems, voluntary simplicity and many skills for living within the cycles of nature and living within one’s means.
We have explored several options for those who wish to join us as Co-Founders. We’ve 8 acres of land for sale with its own deed and has a year around stream running through it. We also purchased the building materials needed for an underground community center for use as our educational facilities and additional living quarters, and we seek help in its construction.
If aspirants have building trade skills we could work out a trade. As well, aspirants may generate income from the land selling organic produce in a CSA, and from teaching classes on the sustainable arts.
We look forward to connecting with those who are inspired to co-found with us an Ecovillage and educational center. We seek people who are guided by similar visions, and who have skills applicable to these goals.
Please email us at [email protected] and introduce yourself. You may view us and our farm at our photo album: http://www.ofoto.com/I.jsp?c=7367si3.yj7f1or&x=0&y=xa8jr0
Dapala Farm’s Mission Statement:
A. To create an ecological community that is food and energy self-reliant, governed by consensus, and can be continued into the indefinite future
B. To create a life that is in harmony with nature and with all life forms, and the cyclic use of material resources
C. To integrate sustainably various functions of life such as residential, educational, commercial, food production, manufacturing, healing, and leisure
D. To demonstrate social and environmental responsibility
E. To educate people on the ideals of sustainability, mutual aid, peaceful conflict resolution, and other values inherent in a holistic approach towards life
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 2
Non-working Guests welcome, Work Exchange welcome, Volunteers welcome,