La Vie Tara living community consists of awake people of all ages and backgrounds who are busy preparing for the great social change that is taking place. We do this with like-minded people in purpose, values and beliefs by building a self-sufficient holistic life. Permaculture, connecting with nature, self-healing, sharing, helping and strengthening each other in health and consciousness with room for self-development are central in our group!
La Vie Tara is the place where we will realize this!
The building where two Leylines run through and little electromagnetic radiation is present, has its own water source, large cultivation tunnel, large Orgonite chemtrail buster, vitalized tap water in approximately 2 hectares of private land!
The location is at an altitude of 1100 m on the edge of the village of Lalouvesc in the French Ardèche mountains. Due to its high oxygen content, this location used to be known as a health resort for people with lung disease. Lalouvesc can be reached by car from Utrecht within 10 hours.
The property, which is in good condition, now has 26 rooms, some with a private shower in toilet. For general use there are, among other things, a fitness, yoga and activity room, small and large lounge with library and fireplace, central kitchen and 2 dining rooms for about 30 people.
The housing units.
At the moment we still have a limited number of residential units still to be realized!
These studios or apartments will, in addition to the shared facilities mentioned above, have an area of between 20 and 56 m2 and can be provided with a bathroom / toilet, open kitchen / living room with or without extra bedroom (s) according to your own interpretation. The prices per housing unit are between approximately 20 and 55 thousand euros. If you are interested and can act in the short term, please send an email to [email protected] ASAP!
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 20
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
please contact us for further information at [email protected]
Schönen guten Tag!
Ich bin w/64 und interessiere mich für eine ökologische Wohngemeinschaft. Euer Projekt, so wie es auf ecovillage dargestellt ist, spricht mich an und gerne würde ich mehr über Euch erfahren. Ich würde gerne allenfalls in diesem Sommer einige Wochen zu Besuch bei Euch verbringen und dann würden wir weiter sehen, ob eine Mitgliedschaft in Frage kommt.
Bitte sendet mir doch mehr Informationen, auch darüber, ob das Projekt mehrere Generationen umfasst, Preise, Bedingungen usw.
Ganz herzlichen Dank!
Gabriele Meerle
Ich bin auch SEHR interessiert am Mitwirken/Leben auf La Vie Tara. Liebe Gabriele, ich verstehe nicht ganz, ob diese Antwort nun für dich ist oder ob es an La Vie Tara geht. Jedenfalls wollte ich fragen, ob du Interesse hättest, mit mir Kontakt aufzunehmen und wir dann vielleicht zusammen nach FR reisen würden? Ich komme aus der CH und wohne in der Nähe von Waldshut/Koblenz.
Liebe Grüsse
We are interested in your project and escape this crazy world. We are wide awake and know what is going on. We would like to be around a community of likeminded people. To escape the rat race and slave system.
So perhaps you could send me more information please.