Research and Development Institute Nepal (R-DIN) is a non profit, non-
governmental and non religious network of research and development
professionals, which promote the practical base research and development
activities and enhances the understanding of the ecological, economic growth and
social development aspect of the country. It is registered in Company Registered
Office of Nepal Government in Kathmandu under nonprofit company act.
Our mission to advance research excellence and knowledge sharing, and to foster
the development of practical based solution to economic growth and development
related challenges for the benefit of the society and people of the country.
Research and development is a precious device for growing and improving the
business. R-Din involves researching patrons require and developing new or
additional and improved services to fit these requires. R-DIN strategy can lead to
innovation, promotion and can boost competitive benefit.
Membership & Visitors
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Contact us if you want to join or become part of community learning or teaching process. We are planning to offer internship positions to permaculture and ecovillage design. We are also looking for trainers who can bring in their expertise through teaching and experience sharing.