If traditional methods do not fit well with entrepreneurs who are in need of funding, what can we do? There are several ways to solve this need. We can use our network to request solidarity private loans at an interest rate of CPI or 0%. Or private loans at a market interest rate that is negotiated and which is sometimes organized as micro credits. Or we could become partners with a credit union that works with similar criteria to those of our organisation. This is a easier and faster … Read more
Social and Solidarity Economy When economy is at the service of the people and not vice versa
We can also experience the economy at smaller scales national, regional or local. And if we actually look at the etymological meaning of economy, from its ancient Greek origin “oikos” and “nomos”, we find it means “house” and “law or custom”. This leads us to an idea which roughly translates as "rules of the house”. We need an alternative vision of the economy based on people, whose wellbeing is the main purpose. At the same time, such an economy must be respectful of nature, … Read more
Feminist Economics & Economy of Care Putting care in the center of economy
A different way to look at the economy, in which the sustainability of life is at the center, and we think what jobs are necessary for lives of both people and other living things. An economy in which other welfare indicators exists that allows to decouple these from economic growth, and considers necessary a social transformation in which there is a redistribution of care tasks among all people and a consideration of the biophysical limits of the … Read more
Social Currencies A currency that stimulates local economy and strengthens organizations within a solidarity economy.
Social currency is used as a tool to develop the local and solidarity economy in an area. It helps to generate exchanges between individuals possible where a lack of “official currency” is a limiting factor. Social currency is created and destroyed based on real economic activity that occurs between entities and individuals. It is a local currency, which produces no interest and no motivation to accumulate it. This eliminates the possibility of speculation with it and this helps … Read more
The Ethics of Sustainable Thinking A framework for making moral and ethical choices
Some choices are “right versus wrong” and most people only take a moment of reflection to come to the proper decision. Some choices are more complex and might be viewed as “right versus right”. From a sustainability perspective, there are six suggested categories, that can help guide our decision making 1. Individual versus community. 2. Global versus local. 3. Law versus truth. 4. Short term versus long term. 5. Toxic versus non toxic. 6. Justice versus mercy . We can also … Read more
Cooperative Consortia Cooperative consortia are secondlevel coops, whose members are other coops.
Consortia are very flexible tools, which are more stable than networks. They can be used by enterprises of all types, to fulfil functions such as joint purchasing and marketing. However because they are controlled bottomup, they are particularly suitable for cooperatives. Different national legislations vary but, to take Italy as an example, a consortium can be founded by three or more primary cooperatives with a minimum capital of only €516. They are territorially based, and bring … Read more
Using a Canvas for Business and Project Modelling Business Model Canvas (BMC) Social Business Model Canvas (SBMC) Project Model Canvas (PMC) The BMC emerged as a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool
● The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool. It allows people to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot their business model. ● The Social Business Model Canvas (SBMC) builds on the BMC by adding the layers of social and environmental impact and costs. The is currently a multitude of available versions of the SBMC online suitable to different context and working styles. ● The Project Modal Canvas (PMC) is a derivate of the BMC that … Read more
Understanding social entrepreneurship The process of undertaking a business venture in order to achieve social goals
There are two main trends which offer the hope of rebalancing this trend and bringing more control back to the local level. On one hand new digital technologies offer new and efficient ways through which citizens can express their opinions and collaborate over long distances. On the other hand the difficulty governments are facing in collecting taxes from transnational corporations, and popular resistance to high taxation, mean that public authorities are seeking to shrink the state … Read more
Collective Entrepreneurship Based On Teamwork There's strength in numbers.
Collective/Cooperative entrepreneurship can be a solution in many cases. While it is not a panacea, it does have a lot of advantages. A team can add to, multiply and complement each of the competencies and skills of the individuals, bringing a more powerful approach to the challenge. Each person contributes his/her unique skills and relationships to the team, building strength and gaining resilience. The key elements of the cooperative DNA are: democratic management and shared ownership. … Read more
Donuimun Eco-Village Common House
- Date: 2 September – 5 November 2017
- Language:
- Korean
- Location: 35-40 Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Welcome to the Donuimun Eco-Village Common House, a new place to share and learn, rest and play. An experiment inspired by the Los Angeles Eco-Village at the Seoul Biennale of Architecture & Urbanism. … Read more