In his book 'Born to Run', Christopher McDougall discovers that unlike the common myth that humans are physically inferior to other land animals, humans are actually the species that is capable of running the longest distances on the planet! He also came to the conclusion that we humans don't actually need shoes to keep up from harm - we can run barefoot. He spent time researching indigenous tribes in the hills of mexico, and found that not only could they run unbelievable distances barefoot … Read more
Geodesic Domes A simple, affordable and aesthetic housing solution
Geodesic Domes are simple to build, relatively cheap, beautiful to be in, and can be used as a little house, studio, greenhouse or gathering space of any kind. The geodesic shape was developed by Buckmister Fuller, and is made up of triangles. It can be built as a whole ball or a half ball (a dome) There are different kinds of geodesic domes, depending on the length of their poles. The dome has many advantages: 1. Easy to build yourself 2. Very strong structure - in fact, the … Read more
How to Eat Local Ideas for fostering an 'all-local' diet and supporting local economy
'Organic' is just a label Some fruit & veggies can be labeled 'organic', yet still grown in conventional, monocultural methods with certain amounts of spraying. Some processed foods can be labeled 'organic' yet still contain lots of sugar, margarine or other harmful ingredients. In this article we stress the importance of eating local and becoming aware of where food comes from. So Why local? * More sustainable - eating local reduces our carbon footprint - less energy is wasted on … Read more
The Sharing Economy Looking Beyond Consumerism
The concept behind websites such as Streetbank, a virtual hub where users can advertise and exchange everything from a cup of sugar to their personal skills and expertise, encourages sharing and helps build community. Follow the links to Streetbank and for full report from Positive News. … Read more
Earth Deeds Local Solutions to Global Warming
Earth Deeds' online tools to enable all of us to acknowledge our environmental impacts and support meaningful projects that build local community resilience. We call this new system onsetting. Rather than “neutralizing” our environmental “sins” through carbon offsetting, Earth Deeds says, “Let’s be grateful for all that fossil fuels have enabled; let’s also recognize the environmental costs of burning these fuels; and let’s ‘pay it forward’ in ways that can help heal our world.” … Read more
Earth Deeds Local Solutions to Global Warming
Earth Deeds' online tools to enable all of us to acknowledge our environmental impacts and support meaningful projects that build local community resilience. We call this new system onsetting. Rather than “neutralizing” our environmental “sins” through carbon offsetting, Earth Deeds says, “Let’s be grateful for all that fossil fuels have enabled; let’s also recognize the environmental costs of burning these fuels; and let’s ‘pay it forward’ in ways that can help heal our world.” … Read more
Off-grid Living Now Recognised as an Economically Viable Option
Renewable energy systems are now well established and generally available but with costly or problematic electric storage issues few have risked going off-grid. However initiatives like Tesla Motors commitment to increasing battery production and halving their cost make the economics of off-grid living comparable to buying power from the Utility Companies. It might require an initial capital input but from there onward costs are principally maintenance and renewal and the power itself is free … Read more
Enoughness Finding Contentment in Life without Excess
Writing for the Context Institute, Vicky Robin developed a pledge to guide people in finding peace with what they have and what they truly need I pledge to discover how much is enough for me to be truly fulfilled, and to consume only that. I also pledge to be part of the discovery of how much would be enough for everyone not only to survive but to thrive, and to find ways for them to have access to that. Through this commitment to restraint and justice, I am healing my life and am part of the … Read more
Make Your Own Natural Cleaning Products Some excellent, simple home recipes
Conventional cleaning are full of chemicals that are harmful to our body and to the earth. Here's some simple ways to make your own! Floors - add 1 cup of white vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of dish-washing liquid to a bucket of water, for a sparkling floor. Polishing Taps - add 1/4 cup of vinegar to a bowl of warm water. Inside of Toilet - sprinkle some baking soda, add a bit of vinegar and scrub with brush. Windows & Mirrors - pour vinegar into a spray-bottle and spray on windows and mirrors, … Read more
Bedouin Crafts and Heritage Preserving tradition and generating income
Traditional crafts are a way to preserve ancient knowledge and to honour a culture and its people. The Bedouin women of the Negev are holding an ancient treasure and the can keep it by sharing it with tourists, generating an income for their families and for their struggling communities. In this example, women are weaving on a traditional floor loom, using camel, sheep and goat wool. The products are sold in their village, as some tours are coming there. … Read more