Detailed studies of vegetation followed by development of comprehensive management plans for properties that have been degraded or disturbed provide a framework for restoration of native flora that can in turn aid the recovery of native fauna. Education programmes and work experience for youth groups can provide labour and resources to help with regeneration as well as providing valuable learning opportunities for both residents and schools groups. Many programmes can qualify for government … Read more
School yards to fruit forests Productive multi-purpose school grounds/ greening school yards or compounds/ school food forest/ school orchard gardens
Integrated land use design (ILUD) is an inclusive and participatory process that is used by the SCOPE and ReSCOPE Programmes in east and southern Africa to green the schools and turn the bare school grounds into food forests. In the ILUD process parents, teachers and the students come together and redesign the school environment into a functional landscape that meets the needs of the stakeholders at the school. They plan, implement and monitor together the establishment of a multi-purpose and … Read more
Swales – harvesting rainwater to rep Rain water harvesting into the ground/ contour ridges/ swales
The โSโ Principles: Looking at the rain as the main source of water, we need to harvest it at the source by slowing it down and stopping it from flowing using swales and mulch or ground cover. Swales are ditches on the ground that are dug truly on contour. Swales cause flowing water to spread slowly and thus more of it will get a chance to sink into the ground thereby recharging the ground water store. Over time the springs that may have disappeared in the past will spring back to life. The … Read more
Permafacture Twin sister of permaculture that rarely any ecovillage knows about
As permaculture is to agriculture, "permanent agriculture", so Permafacture is to manufacturing, "Permanent manufacture": ways of producing goods which meet the criteria of permaculture - activities which could be done in the same space for 10,000 years. Permafacture: open source technology for sustainable living; digital fabrication; breakthrough economic systems; lifetime design; design-for-disassembly; absolute … Read more
Compost Tea Producing liquid bioconcentrates from organic waste
Compost tea is produced by steeping plant growth compounds and beneficial microorganisms in warm, aerated water and organic wastes over a 24-hour brewing cycle to produce a biologically active liquid concentrate that is then applied to field, forest or garden to stimulate soil fertility. Worm casting liquids are often used alone or blended with compost because of their highly diverse microbial composition. Supplemental nutrients such as bat guano, kelp, humic acids, biochar and rock powder are … Read more
Keyline Management Redirecting nutrient flow by subsoiling off-contour
Keyline management restores fertility to crop, forest and pasture lands and to steeper and rougher terrains that have never before been capable of rapid improvement. The first aim of Keyline is to provide inexpensive means of conserving and tempering the rain that falls on the land by storing it in the soil, then slowing its evaporation and apply this conserved moisture to assist nutrient transfer and regenerate favorable soil microbiology over large areas. First conceived by Australian stockman … Read more
Biochar from Bamboo Kilns Sequestering CO2 while rebuilding soil
Convert the fastest growing terrestrial plant, bamboo, currently supplying livelihood to 1.2 billion humans because of its many uses and ability to grow in nearly all climates, from labile carbon to recalcitrant carbon through pyrolytic conversion in a low-cost, multiple-yield process. The application of this recalcitrant carbon to soil, or use as a component of building materials, living roofs and other ecovillage applications, establishes a significant, long-term sink for atmospheric carbon … Read more
The Living Machine An ecological wastewater treatment facility
There are many different ways of processing sewage ecologically, including reed bed systems and compost toilets. One such method is called the Living Machine. Pioneered by US ecological designer Dr John Todd in the 1970s, the Living Machine works by mimicking a natural wetland system. It uses advanced science and engineering processes, combined with beneficial bacteria, to treat wastewater to the point where it can be safely reused. In addition, the sewage plant may start to resemble a … Read more
Permaculture Lab
- Date: 6 – 19 April 2015
- Languages:
- EnglishGermanSpanish
- Location: Spain
Valle de Sensaciones is hosting this Laboratory to practise, learn, exchange and research about Permaculture. We will deal with the ecological AND the social aspect of Permaculture - "Permanent (Agri)culture" "Permaculture is the art of designing beneficial relationships.โ (Patrick Whitefield) In this Laboratory time we will work practically together - taking care for the valley, the garden, the landscape, keeping in mind the permaculture principles: Care for earth, care for people and … Read more
Water Flows in Damanhur Permaculture Approach to Water Flows in the Tentyris Region of Damanhur
In Damanhur, the community region of Tentyris has a special relationship with water, honoring it as a natural force and enjoying an abundance of it on the lands. In 2011, a team from Tamera, Portugal, came to collaborate on the creation of a large scale water retention system of six lakes, that are now in use. In November 2014, a new Permaculture Design for Sustainability course was launched, focusing on developing the wetlands area of Tentyris as a continuation of the work of utilizing, and … Read more