To satisfy the need for ventilation alone, the Malqaf or wind-catch was invented. It is a shaft rising high above the roofline, with an single large opening and a diagonally sloping top that faces the prevailing wind. It traps the wind from high above the building where it is cooler and stronger, and channels it down into the interior of the building. The Malqaf thus dispenses with the need for ordinary windows to ensure ventilation and air movement. The Malqaf is also useful in reducing the … Read more
Construcción con Paja y Tierra
- Date: 11 – 16 April 2017
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Can Cases (Castelví de Rosanes, Barcelona), Spain
¿QUÉ Y PARA QUIÉN? Descripción Curso: Este curso está pensado para personas que no tienen gran experiencia con la construcción con paja, y tienen interés en construir con un sistema de “relleno”; es decir, que se hace un ESTRUCTURA que carga con el peso del tejado, y se rellena con paja para el cerramiento y aislamiento del edificio. En la práctica, aprenderemos todo lo básico sobre construcción con Paja revoques de tierra arcillosa: elegir, medir y manipular balas como … Read more
30 años de Sunseed
- Date: 15 – 23 October 2016
- Languages:
- EnglishSpanish
- Location: Los Molinos del Rio Aguas, Almeria, Spain
En octubre celebramos 30 años aprendiendo, construyendo, y compartiendo en Sunseed – y estáis invitad@s! Estamos preparando una semana de actividades especiales: yoga, meditación, talleres de bioconstrucción, cocina solar y mucho má puede ver el programa provisional aqui Voluntari@s y amig@s nuevos y antiguos están muy bienvenid@s – recomendamos reservar con anticipación para no perder vuestra plaza! Habrá días de puertas abiertas para quienes no pueden asistir toda la … Read more
GAIA Ashram Teacher Internship 2016
- Date: 15 August 2016 – 15 February 2017
- Language:
- English
- Location: How to get to Gaia Ashram? Gaia Ashram is the base of Gaia School Asia and is located in the North-East of Thailand, in Isan. We are between the small cities Nong Khai & Udon Tani. Gaia Ashram is also located near Vientiane, the capital of Laos., Thailand
Are you a Permaculturist? Ecovillage Designer? Deep Ecologist? Builder? Gardener? Natural product maker? Healer? Herbalist? Nutritionist? Shaman? Dancer? Artist? Yogi & Yogini? Are you looking for a community to live to practice your knowledge and skills, a space to share your knowledge and skills with others, a place to use your knowledge and skills to create positive impact on earth? Then, you might be interested in this program! What is Gaia Ashram Teacher Internship Program? The … Read more
Twin Oaks Communities Conference
- Date: 2 – 5 September 2016
- Language:
- English
- Location: Twin Oaks Community , 134 W Old Mountain Road, Louia, VA 23093, United States
You can visit the Communities Conference Website at, and register for the conference at If you live or want to live according to the values of cooperation, sustainability, and equality this conference is for you! You’ll get something out of this event whether you’re brand new to communities and cooperatives, or have been living and working in them for decades. The conference focuses on Intentional Communities, including … Read more
Curso CDP en Callus 8-17 julio 2016
- Date: 7 – 16 July 2016
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Callus MAnresa, Spain
Curso de Certificado de Diseño en Permacultura, impartido por Rosa Maicas y Antonio Scotti. En Callus, Manresa (Barcelona) Aun quedan plazas. Más info aquí: y o llama al 686792039. o llama al 686792039. … Read more
Natural Building Workshop
- Date: 21 – 23 July 2016
- Language:
- English
- Location: Wilson Creek Garden, Cottage Grove, OR, United States
Come study the art and practice of natural finishes. Learn how to utilize breathable, low impact, non-toxic materials to make protective, beautiful and durable finishes. In this in-depth hands-on workshop you will be applying earthen plaster to the interior and exterior of a Tiny Home, the Cedar Nest, at Wilson Creek Gardens. The Project The Cedar Nest is an on going project that started in 2013 utilizing 95% repurposed materials from a 1920’s home and from the land at WCG. The … Read more
Construcción con balas de Paja
- Date: 15 – 27 August 2016
- Languages:
- FrenchSpanish
- Location: Spain
Fechas: 1-13 Agosto 2016 Lugar: Ecoaldea Los Guindales Dirigido a: estudiantes, constructores, arquitectos, amantes de los oficios tradicionales. Desarrollo: Se alternarán parte teórica y práctica tomando en cuenta que la teórica será un 20-30 % del total Cada día habrá ocho-nueve horas de taller Teórica: Dibujo, calculo, teoría de trazado,estudio de las armaduras de cubierta más comunes. Práctica: Trazado, cortes y escoplos, montaje varias estructuras de madera … Read more
Taller de Carpintería de Armar
- Date: 1 – 13 August 2016
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Spain
TALLER de CARPINTERÏA DE ARMAR Fechas: 1-13 Agosto 2016 Lugar: Ecoaldea Los Guindales Dirigido a: estudiantes, constructores, arquitectos, amantes de los oficios tradicionales. Desarrollo: Se alternarán parte teórica y práctica tomando en cuenta que la teórica será un 20-30 % del total Cada día habrá ocho-nueve horas de taller Teórica: Dibujo, calculo, teoría de trazado,estudio de las armaduras de cubierta más comunes. Práctica: Trazado, cortes y escoplos, montaje varias … Read more
Composting Toilet Toilet with internal composting container
A composting toilet is a simple, watersaving and logical alternative to the water closet we know. No need for a water supply, no sewers and no sewage treatment necessary. For me it's even a very practical way to become a part again in the ecological live-cycle of soil-plant-food-digestion-soil. The instructions provided in the instructables link is for a composting toilet with internal composting container. Another solution would be to construct a simpe box with a hole and a lid with a … Read more