Straw bale construction began, following the invention of the modern straw baler, in 1896. Construction began in Nebraska, USA and spread across North America through the 1930's. A worldwide resurgence of straw bale construction began in the 1990's. Well designed and built straw bale houses are energy efficient, long lasting and environmentally sound. The EcoCampus Straw Bale Domes at Kibbutz Lotan's Center for Creative Ecology are a site specific solution. The domes' internal structure is a … Read more
Compressed, Stabilised Earth Blocks An appropriate technology for building and construction in developing countries
Sandele Eco-Retreat and Learning Centre was constructed with low embodied energy and a small ecological footprint using an imported compressed, stabilised earth block (CSEB) machine. The machine is highly versatile (70 different shapes and sizes of blocks can be made); it is portable (transferable on the back of a pick up); it is manually operated (no electricity or generator needed); it generates employment (8 people employed per machine); it uses 2½ less cement than locally made blocks; it is … Read more
Swales – harvesting rainwater to rep Rain water harvesting into the ground/ contour ridges/ swales
The ‘S’ Principles: Looking at the rain as the main source of water, we need to harvest it at the source by slowing it down and stopping it from flowing using swales and mulch or ground cover. Swales are ditches on the ground that are dug truly on contour. Swales cause flowing water to spread slowly and thus more of it will get a chance to sink into the ground thereby recharging the ground water store. Over time the springs that may have disappeared in the past will spring back to life. The … Read more
Permafacture Twin sister of permaculture that rarely any ecovillage knows about
As permaculture is to agriculture, "permanent agriculture", so Permafacture is to manufacturing, "Permanent manufacture": ways of producing goods which meet the criteria of permaculture - activities which could be done in the same space for 10,000 years. Permafacture: open source technology for sustainable living; digital fabrication; breakthrough economic systems; lifetime design; design-for-disassembly; absolute … Read more
Earthbag Houses recycling of waste materials in building houses
is an inexpensive method to create structures which are both strong and can be quickly built. It is a natural building technique that evolved from historic military bunker construction techniques and temporary flood-control dike building methods. The technique requires very basic construction materials: sturdy sacks, filled with inorganic material usually available on site. Standard earth bag fill material has internal stability. Either moist subsoil that contains enough clay to become … Read more
Biochar from Bamboo Kilns Sequestering CO2 while rebuilding soil
Convert the fastest growing terrestrial plant, bamboo, currently supplying livelihood to 1.2 billion humans because of its many uses and ability to grow in nearly all climates, from labile carbon to recalcitrant carbon through pyrolytic conversion in a low-cost, multiple-yield process. The application of this recalcitrant carbon to soil, or use as a component of building materials, living roofs and other ecovillage applications, establishes a significant, long-term sink for atmospheric carbon … Read more
Pedal Powered Tractor
A Culticycle is a pedal powered tractor for cultivation and seeding, built from lawn tractor, ATV, and bicycle parts. With a speed of 3 - 4 mph, depending on choice of gearing and pedaling speed, it keeps the operator fit, minimises soil compaction, uses no fuel, is far cheaper than a tractor and is easily adaptable to specific needs. As a low tech machine it can be built and maintained using basic resources and skills. … Read more
Build a small wind turbine course
- Date: 24 July – 2 August 2015
- Language:
- English
- Location: Nea Makri, Attika, Greece, Greece
“Build a small wind turbine” construction course July 24th to August 2nd, 2015 A ten day live-in course in Nea Makri, Greece Learn how to build a small wind turbine and put yourself on the road to self-reliance Organized by Nea Guinea Small wind turbines 'Nea Guinea' has been organizing small wind turbine construction workshops since 2009 and has empowered many people with the knowledge of harnessing power from the wind. The wind turbines built in the workshops are based on … Read more
Curso Bioconstrucción: Yurta, domo y
- Date: 25 – 31 May 2015
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Los Molinos del Rio Aguas - Almería, Spain
Queremos ofrecer un Curso en el que aprender, experimentar y profundizar en algunos aspectos de la Bioconstrucción, de manera profesional, familiar y cercana al mismo tiempo. En este curso aprenderemos sobre la construcción de estructuras tales como: domo geodésico, yurta, techos de cañizo, arcos y columnas de cañas, que pueden ser urilizadas para construcción de pérgolas, invernaderos, sombreados, escenarios y mucho más....; todo ello con materiales locales vegetales: caña y pita … Read more
Curso Bioconstrucción Fuego y Barro
- Date: 15 – 22 May 2015
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Los Molinos del Rio Aguas - Almería, Spain
Queremos ofrecer un Curso en el que aprender, experimentar y profundizar en algunos aspectos de la Bioconstrucción, de manera profesional, familiar y cercana al mismo tiempo. En el curso Fuego y Barro trabajaremos elementos como: Estufas de masa térmica, hornos de leña, estufas rocket, adobe,….. Aprendiendo a construir con materiales sanos y naturales, adaptados a nuestro hogar y necesidades; para obtener una mayor eficiencia, salud y calidez en nuestro hogar y cuidar en medio ambiente al … Read more