Burning carbonized cobs produces less smoke than regular biomass fuels, but the carbonized cobs produce a hazardous level of carbon monoxide. MIT's D-lab developed a device to turn charcoal powder into a dense compact briquette that burns safely, but it is difficult to crush the carbonized cobs into a charcoal powder without inhaling dangerous amounts of charcoal dust. The MIT team's charcoal crushing device addresses the gap in this alternative fuel process. … Read more
DryBath: hygiene without water An inspiring example of african ingenuity
One day Ludwick Marishane and his best friend were sunbathing in the sweltering heat in their native Limpopo. Marishane's friend turned to him and said, 'Man, why doesn't somebody invent something that you can just put on your skin and then you don't have to bathe?' Marishane, 17 at the time, thought: Yeah, why not? With some research in an internet cafe figuring out a formula for the lotion, and writing his business plan on his mobile phone, it took six months to develop a lotion that … Read more
Valueing sacred natural sites for integrated socio/bio-conservation Example: Healing crocodile pond in the Gambia
The creation of cultural/spiritual significance and/or rites and events around ecological sites help in their conservation, as well as help people connect with their surrounding natural wealth. An example: The Kartong Folonko crocodile pond is the oldest of three sacred crocodile pools in the Gambia and has been in the village for nearly 600 years. It has great cultural, spiritual and historical significance. It is believed that the pond was discovered by a great ' Marabout' named Sheikh Omar … Read more
Natural & Organic Makup Collection Organic Cosmetic
This video is a perfect presentation about lots of different cosmectic products, organic of course. You will see which are the best brands in this cosmetic branch. Including : - Foundation & Concealer 0:50 to 7:00 - Lips Products 7:00 to 10:30 … Read more
Natural Sunburn Remedies Natural Sunburn Remedies
This video will show you how to heal a sunburn through a natural way ! With : - the aloe vera plant itself - Vinegar - Coconut oil - Oatmeal - Green tea / Cold compress And a few other tips... … Read more
Healing depression and anxiety Healing depression and anxiety with natural herbs
In this article you will first find the definitions and symptomes of depression and anxiety, then the experience with herbalism of Jenaka, a native American, will help you to understand what to do. … Read more
Annie’s Remedy Herbal remedies
This page is a free handbook on the internet, with an index. It presents a wide variety of information and tips about several illnesses and deases. You can really find lots of things to learn about, even learn how to make your own herbs. … Read more
Use The Wild Plants Eat The Weeds by Green Deane
This page is a good guide to wild plants and herbs and their medicinal properties. The creator of this platform is dealing with wild plants for nearly sixty years now. … Read more
Natural cosmetics Olive oil soap production
The olive oil industry supplies many families of the Mediterranean countries. Apart from the income generating extra virgin and virgin olive oil sold by local farmers to local and international markets, there are more products that can also be marketed as organic, green and chemicals free! Today, the products we use for cosmetics are full with synthetic chemicals and material that is not suitable for human use, in addition to many still using animal testing. The main ingredients are virgin … Read more
Tizana Vervain
Vervain is a continual domestic herb original to the Old World. Numerous societies have historically used it for healing, and it was once a very common feature in herb gardens. Today, people grow it for both medicinal and ornamental use, and many health food stores stock dried forms for people who do not wish to grow their own. The leaves of this herb are saw-toothed and hairy, and it produces small white to purple flowers on delicate spikes. Gardeners can grow this plant in zones three through … Read more