In early October Serena Aurora visited Findhorn Foundation community in Scotland and the GEN International office located there in order to make a short film promoting GEN and Findhorn. Serena is an adventurous, nature-loving filmmaker inspired by the ecovillage movement. She is dedicating her energy to traveling around our precious planet, giving a voice and platform to ecovillages and other intentional communities. She documents and explores the diverse communities that live principles of … Read more
Gift-economy Social Permaculture
A gift economy, gift culture, or gift exchange is a mode of exchange where valuables are not traded or sold, but rather given without an explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards. This contrasts with a barter economy or a market economy, where goods and services are primarily exchanged for value received. Social norms and custom govern gift exchange. Gifts are not given in an explicit exchange of goods or services for money or some other commodity. Property is not a thing, but a … Read more
Uniorder – The Cooperative Society
Only 3 steps are needed: Step 1: Human Rights – We must declare that we really want human rights for all people on the planet. Step 2: Fair monetary system – To 1st step become a reality we simply must create a fair monetary system, controlled by computers, where the wealth of the individual is proportional to the wealth of society. Step 3: Human resource optimization – In order to have progress, someone must work. Therefore, we must create a computerized social network. There are five … Read more
Construcción Invernadero con Caña
- Date: 20 – 22 November 2015
- Languages:
- EnglishSpanish
- Location:, Spain
En este curso aprenderás cómo construir tu propio invernadero con caña de una forma sencilla. Durante 3 días trabajaremos en equipo, aprenderemos diferentes técnicas de estructuras con caña y los beneficios de la reutilización de materiales. Experimentaremos las distintas fases de construcción y conoceremos los aspectos y detalles del proceso: - Herramientas y materiales - La caña: selección, recolección, preparación y usos. - El terreno: Elección, preparación y marcado. - Preparar … Read more
Bioconstrucción de Horno Pan
- Date: 2 – 8 November 2015
- Languages:
- EnglishFrenchSpanish
- Location: Spain
Taller práctico de construcción de un horno de leña, de fuego indirecto. Aprenderemos a trabajar con barro para el montaje del horno, destinado a la cocción de pan, repostería, así como asados etc. Será un taller completo de montaje desde el principio hasta el final, con la dirección de Dani y Jandro, que traen su experiencia en montaje de hornos, y en bioconstrucción. MATERIALES: Barro, caña, algunos ladrillos refractarios. DURACIÓN: Todas las mañanas de 10 a 14h, desde el martes día 3, … Read more
Creative Community
- Date: 1 October – 28 November 2015
- Languages:
- EnglishGermanSpanish
- Location: Spain
Creativity will be spread through the valley whilst we live in community. A time where creative people meet, work together or next to each other and share inspiration and knowledge. Artists are warmly welcome to enjoy the creative atmosphere while being devoted to their art works: sculptors, paintors, writers, musicians, ... At the same time we are happy when people want to supporte the works on the synthesis of arts "Valle de Sensaciones". During that time we might treat some questions … Read more
Hildur Jackson In Memory of a Life Well Lived
In this newsletter, we share in the celebration of Hildur, mother of GEN and Gaia Education, in memory of a life well lived, and in grieving of her passing. Hildur’s life was a song for justice and human dignity. Remembering her, it seems her voice was singing rather than speaking … Read more
Editorial Newsletter September 2015 Ecovillages Responding to Disasters and Crises
With thousands of refugees and migrants arriving on the shores of Europe on a daily basis, the pain and crises in the world are becoming increasingly impossible to ignore, even in those regions which have felt relatively sheltered for a long time. … Read more
Kolamba Yathra 2015
- Date: 19 September 2015
- Language:
- English
- Location: Undefined
The Kolamba Yathra is an actively engaged walking journey around the city of Colombo - the commercial capital of Sri Lanka. ECO-V is the organisation coordinating the journey, and has been conducting Yathras since 2011 to raise awareness, that leads to action and behavioral change, on climate change issues among the general public. It also serves to catalyze and support the creation of green youth leaders. The youth who are taking part in Yathras gain exposure to ‘green activities,’ serving as … Read more
New Threats Against the Peace Community San José de Apartadó / Colombia
In 1997, more than 1000 farmers and refugees declared themselves as neutral in the conflict between the Guerilla army and the Paramilitary. They formed the Peace Community, giving themselves guidelines of non-violence and trying to protect each other from being expelled from their remote parishes and farms. In the following years, more than 200 of them were killed brutally in the merciless fights for land, strategic advantage and resources in that region. But still they stayed together and … Read more