I arrived at the tropical heaven of Belipola in the height of Sri Lanka's rainy season. It was a time of indulgence for the teeming forest vegetation and critters, and the nearby river gurgled with hearty laughter. Life filled up to the brim and overflowed at every turn and corner. It had been a big year of unravelings for me, and I was inching my way through the last days of 2014. The New Year was approaching and I was flying home on the 1st of January. My eyes were blurry from nursing a … Read more
Encuentro de Ecoaldeas 2015-Resumen
- Date: 27 – 30 August 2015
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Undefined
Hola Ya queda poco para el Encuentro de Ecoaldeas 2015 ;} El lema de este año es "Sembrar sueños, labrar dificultades, cosechar futuros.", tenemos muchas ganas de veros a todos y todas, estamos preparando el encuentro con mucha ilusión e intentando hacerlo lo más completo posible, mirad el programa aquí abajo. Enlaces con la info del encuentro: Precio e inscripciones www.tinyurl.com/encuentro-ecoaldeas-2015 Programa y horario de … Read more
Info Encuentro de Verano. Arterra
- Date: 27 – 30 August 2015
- Languages:
- EnglishSpanish
- Location: Undefined
Hola Compas Nos vemos en unos días.Que alegría teneros aquí. Para que disfrutemos todas: cositas que saber, y que traer. Y alguna que NO traer... Como todos los años os pedimos que traigáis vuestro servicio de comidas: platos, cubiertos, vasos. Las personas del Sur, no olvidéis que venís al norte, y por la noche refresca: algo de ropa de abrigo! Sacos de dormir , claro. Linternas no estarán de más, sobre todo las personas en acampada! El aparcamiento: no está incluido en la inscripción. … Read more
GEN +20 Summit Developing the New Story of Community
This year's Global Ecovillage Network Summit at Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland, marked the organisation's tremendous growth and development since its emergence 20 years ago. Returning to the place where GEN was launched into the world in 1995, the founders Ross and Hildur Jackson were joined by other GEN legends, Declan Kennedy, Robert Gilman, Jan-Martin Bang and Helena Norberg-Hodge, in bearing witness to how their offspring has now developed contacts with communities on every inhabited … Read more
Programa Talleres
- Date: 27 – 30 August 2015
- Languages:
- EnglishSpanish
- Location: Undefined
Este es una primera propuesta de los diferentes espacio que os proponemos. Sabiendo que vamos a ir incluyendo otros, y que aquí no están los del espacio abierto que publicaremos en breve. … Read more
V Incubadora de Ecoaldeas.
- Date: 30 August – 1 September 2015
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Undefined
Para Inscribirse a la Incubadora, enviar un correo a : [email protected]. La Incubadora de Ecoaldeas y Comunidades es un programa desarrollado por facilitadoras de la RIE (Red Ibérica de Ecoaldeas) para acompañar a grupos que están en proceso de dar el salto hacia la creación de un proyecto colectivo (comunidades, redes, cooperativas, emprendedurías,…). Facilitado por personas con amplio recorrido y experiencia en ese tipo de procesos creativos y vitales, el programa … Read more
Siddharth Village: Spark of Change EDE Odisha, February 2015
An eco-village in India, at the turn of the local traditions and the new eco-friendly philosophy Siddharth Village was established in 1986. The center of the community is located 25 km from Bhubaneswar, the capital of the region of Orissa in eastern India. 14 people living there, often surrounded by volunteers who stay for short or long periods . Over the years, the headquarters were born elsewhere across India. Thanks to the industriousness of its founders, today Siddharth village is … Read more
Not in our name! German austerity policy for southern Europe
Or: go on holidays in Greece, Mrs. Merkel! Open letter to the German Government We, the German participants of the international GEN+20 Conference, distance ourselves from your policies. The Global Ecovillage Network unites more then 10.000 villages and communities of all continents. In Germany there is a growing network of ecovillages, communities and transition towns. In cooperation with people and organizations from many countries we generate knowledge and expertise for the regeneration … Read more
We are all Greece! A Declaration of Action and Solidarity
We are 280 participants of the GEN+20 Summit (Global Ecovillage Network), from five continents and 50 countries, working and engaging ourselves in building resilient communities, ecovillages, models for sustainability and autonomy throughout the world. With concern, compassion and anger we witness the situation in Greece; families who cannot feed their children anymore, unemployed youth, impoverished retired people, hospitals without medicine and countless homeless people , all of whom are … Read more
Introducción a la Permacultura
- Language:
- Spanish
- Location: Spain
Curso de Introducción a la Permacultura en Cañaveral (Caceres) Conoce y aplica la permacultura en tu finca, barrio, ciudad, pueblo, empresa, ... y en tu vida. Fechas: 25-26-27 Septiembre Facilitación: Antonio Scotti, Diploma en Permacultura Aplicada Horarios: El curso comienza la tarde viernes 25 de septiembre hasta el mediodía del domingo 27 de septiembre . Coste: 70€ Asistencia al curso Oferta hasta el 15-Agosto-2015 después 80€ (Alojamiento en tienda de campaña gratuito) 36€ … Read more