Take time to reflect on past failures. Feel the emotions that accompany these experiences. Make space for these. This might lead to a deeper integration. With support, create a space from which we can look back at these experiences and place them in a bigger context. Notice insights and learnings. Connect to the original intention and see if we feel drawn to revisit the scenario, in the light of this newfound wisdom. References: Exercise: Facing Failure Exercise: The Truth Mandala – … Read more
Embodying Success Exploring the roots of our leadership
Taking time to reflect and reconnect. This can be done in many different ways, including journaling, regular meditation, going into nature (e.g. vision quest). It is also helpful to create embodied experiences or “rituals” that honour our roots. References: ● Hillman, James. The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling. New York: Warner Books, 1997. ● Vision Quest: Retrieved March … Read more
Political Influencing Engaging in political reality so that what we think is right and needs to be done actually happens.
To become effective we need to understand how power operates, e.g. how decisions are actually made, how to build alliances and coalitions and how to sense the right moment to act. We need to give up the wish to be popular and understood by everyone. We need to surrender our naivety and be willing to take difficult decisions. In essence, to act ‘politically’. References: ● Exercise: Political Influencing (to be linked) ● … Read more
Negotiation Skills Win Win Win for Everyone
This is a metaskill and used in nearly every human situation where people have to share resources. Some people treat human relations as a war and so negotiation is a war. For others, where ensuring the best possible outcome for everyone is at the heart of the negotiation process, a very different approach is used. You need to listen attentively to what the other person wants. In some negotiation approaches, teachers or trainers suggest you learn as much about the other person before you … Read more
Solid and Collective Decision Making Process 9 steps to wise decisions
Experience shows that groups that have an agreed and transparent decision making process make decisions more easily and with better quality results. 9 steps for a solid decision making process according to the work of Bea Briggs and also experienced by us (Altekio) are: To define the scope To identify who takes the decision To define the method To define the criteria To collect information required To generate alternatives To evaluate alternatives To decide To follow … Read more
Leadership Styles Four Archetypes that underpin inspirational leadership: Sovereign, Great Mother, Medicine Woman, Warrior
Carl Jung and others saw that inside every human being is a feminine and masculine potential (yin and yang, anima and animus) and a static and dynamic potential. When we marry these four potentials together, 4 archetypes of human behaviour emerge: Medicine Woman (Dynamic, Feminine), Great Mother (Static, Feminine), Sovereign (Static, Masculine), and the Warrior (Dynamic, Masculine). Once we are aware of these four styles, we can reflect on how well established each archetype is in our own … Read more
Holistic Business and SelfOrganisation The Emergence of the Global Village
We can view humanity as being separate from Nature or being an integral part of it. If we choose the latter view, then we ought to look to Nature to be our teacher. If we do this, we see the following principles at work: ● holism : where all parts of a system are recognised and the parts together add up to more than the whole. ● emergence : we can try to plan for every eventuality and control external events (people, situations and so on) or we can allow ourselves to be led by life and … Read more
Empathy The ability to really understand others
To step out of the assumption that mankind is “evil” and that people have bad intentions helps to really understand people’s motivation and intention. This means understanding on a rational but also on a heart level. If you reach a level of connection where your heart begins to warm to them that’s what it is. It is like putting yourself into the shoes of another person, role or societal group and not only knowingthis role or acting like this role but really to feelit. Understanding … Read more
Art of Hosting A way of harnessing the collective wisdom and selforganizing capacity of groups.
The Art of Hosting is an approach to leadership that scales up from the personal to the systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the cocreation of innovation to address complex challenges. Different methods and techniques are framed under this umbrella that understands that the way of hosting is an invitation that makes a meaningful difference in the way that people and groups interact. Practitioners report improved decision making, capacity building and ability to … Read more
Feminist Economics & Economy of Care Putting care in the center of economy
A different way to look at the economy, in which the sustainability of life is at the center, and we think what jobs are necessary for lives of both people and other living things. An economy in which other welfare indicators exists that allows to decouple these from economic growth, and considers necessary a social transformation in which there is a redistribution of care tasks among all people and a consideration of the biophysical limits of the … Read more