Consumerism is reaching everyone, even traditional societies are becoming increasingly burdened with an overload of waste and little appreciation for traditional crafts and goods. By upcycling we can demonstrate that old materials can be reused into new functions, adding value and beauty. It can become an art form, and be a source of income and of gathering community, in workshops and exchanging knowledge. … Read more
Bedouin Crafts and Heritage Preserving tradition and generating income
Traditional crafts are a way to preserve ancient knowledge and to honour a culture and its people. The Bedouin women of the Negev are holding an ancient treasure and the can keep it by sharing it with tourists, generating an income for their families and for their struggling communities. In this example, women are weaving on a traditional floor loom, using camel, sheep and goat wool. The products are sold in their village, as some tours are coming there. … Read more
Bank for children, by children Helping impoverished children save money for crises
Sarjan Bank bank at Sankalit Nagar in the neglected western neighbourhood of Juhapura, India, is proving highly popular with local pre-teens - who are also helping to run it. Operated by a non-profit organisation, the bank has provided families that have fallen on hard financial times, a beacon to rely on. As it allows children to save money, and also has teens that help run the bank, it sparks the economic intelligence of children, while they learn how money can be used to create a better … Read more
Online artisan market Global platform for selling your artisan work
By using online selling platforms, artisan crafts makers can sell their products globally. This decreases dependence on local markets and increases economic resilience. … Read more
Fixing a Bicycle Tyre How to Fix a Bicycle Tyre
This video shows a way of fixing a bicycle tyre with only a string and pliers. … Read more
Light Bulb Lamp How to build a light bulb lamp
This is a simple diy way to build your own light bulb lamps using little materials. … Read more
Corn Cob Charcoal Crusher Turning agricultural waste into smokeless fuels
Burning carbonized cobs produces less smoke than regular biomass fuels, but the carbonized cobs produce a hazardous level of carbon monoxide. MIT's D-lab developed a device to turn charcoal powder into a dense compact briquette that burns safely, but it is difficult to crush the carbonized cobs into a charcoal powder without inhaling dangerous amounts of charcoal dust. The MIT team's charcoal crushing device addresses the gap in this alternative fuel process. … Read more
Earth Oven Building an oven of local soil
Earth Ovens have been used for thousands of years by cultures all over the world and they are still built today by people all over. Earth ovens are made up of just that, EARTH! Sand, clay and straw are used in building these versatile ovens. It takes only 10 to 12 hours to build in total, with some intermediate periods for drying layers, and the oven will last for many years without loosing its capacity or quality. An earthen oven can be used to cook the same things cooked in a normal … Read more
Building house with waste plastic bottles Recycling plastics into solid structures
The links show two videos with examples of bottle houses, and how to construct them. The method is simple, and the structure that results is strong. … Read more
Merging traditional with innovative building methods African architect uses smart design to build with clay and community
The architect Diebedo Francis Kere from Burkina Faso who studied in Berlin, Germany, went back to his home village to build a school and other buildings with the community. He explains the methodology. By involving the entire community in the building process, he simultaneously created community cohesion and pride, and gives locals the opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge they can use for creating economic opportunities. … Read more