The first link direct to a short and simple eHow description on how to encourage people to vote. For more in-depth understanding, the second link directs to a Yale University collection of research into voting behaviour and into methods to encourage different societal groups to vote. … Read more
Daydreaming for problem-solving Scientific research shows benefits of day-dreaming
One study by Cornell University (Ithaca, US) found that employing brain areas linked to 'off-task' mental states - including daydreaming or reminiscing - enhances performance on certain complicated mental tasks (See first link). Other studies have shown more benefits of daydreaming, such as the enhancement of creative problem-solving and increased memory function (See second and third link). … Read more
Meditation for improving police behaviour Meditation and yoga introduced in Indian police force
A Indian police chief was so convinced of the benefits of meditation that he has introduced the option for his staff to take the time to train in the art with full pay and allowances. Daily yoga is also strongly encouraged. Patel is responsible for 3,500 officers across six districts in the south of Gujarat – 175 of whom had taken up the offer by Nov 2014. Vipassana is the chosen school: an ancient technique originating from India which means “to see things as they really are”. … Read more
I Paid a Bribe website Countering corruption by online registration
In 2011 the I Paid a Bribe website launched in India as a platform to report corruption. In less than a year more than 10,000 bribes across 347 cities had been reported. The site also includes an option to nominate those who are setting a good example, provide tips of navigating paying a bribe and the key facts about the police that everyone should know. … Read more
Africa’s Heritage of Participarory Democracy A short article describing traditional governance structures
The link directs to a short article on the ways that traditional decision-making was organized in parts of Africa. It states that it may be a better idea to root contemporary African governance in such participatory, traitional methods, then to copy foreign methods, as is the case in any African countries, and which in many aspects does not seem to work out very well. … Read more
Minority Voices Web Training Manual For minority and indigenous activists, journalists and campaigners (in Africa)
This training manual is part of the Minority Voices programme run by Minority Rights Group (MRG). This is an EU-funded project designed to increase the inclusion of minority voices in media coverage. This manual will be used as the basis for training minority and indigenous activists, and their advocates, to undertake their own online campaigning and media work. It explains what online tools are available, how to plan an online activity and how to use those relevant tools to build a campaign or … Read more
Guide of cultural differences Differences relevant for health workers and development workers
Cultural differences may be relevant to understand when providing healthcare and other development work. This guide lists relevant cultural traits for several countries. It is tailored for health workers, but may be of use and relevance for other people working in development as well. … Read more
Protecting the rights of minorities in Africa A guide for human rights activists and civil society organizations
The guide functions similarly to a handbook for activists and organizations working in the field of protection of minority rights and interests. There exists a large legal framework on international and pan-African level which support minority rights. The guide informs about these frameworks and the relevant instiutions, which can be used to the benefit of minorities. The link below directs to a website where the guide can be downloaded in PDF. … Read more
Societal Impact Measurement A Paradigm for a Sustainable Society
The Societal Impact Measurement is a method of measuring the effects of a project on several dimensions of sustainability, both environmental as well as social. Originally developed for the 1996 Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) in Istanbul, Turkey, it urges people to take responsibility for the broad implications of their particular decisions and actions. … Read more
The Mukombe handwashing device A smart, DIY tippy-tap
The Mukombe is a hand washing device – a “tippy tap” as it is commonly known within the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) scene – as it just requires a little tip to provide the user with just enough water to wash the hands. In water-arid areas, such a simple device can be essential to hygiene. … Read more