Behaviour change is an important factor for the successful implementation of water and sanitation projects to reach better hygiene and health standards. However, very often we do not know what motivates people to behave in this way or another as well as which drivers or barriers play an important role in their behavioural choices. An international expert in the field of environmental psychology, Hans-Joachim Mosler explains his 'evidence-based behaviour change concept'. He shows how this … Read more
Jane Goodall: How humans and animals can live together Video talk on integrating social and environmental development
Jane Goodall is a great proponant of using smart and holistic programmes to rehabilitate destroyed natural areas while improving the quality of life of the locals. What is more, she argues these two elements are inseperable. In the video talk she gives several examples of successful holistic rehabilitation programmes she has been involved in. The second link below shows a summary of one of her main programmes called TACARE (or 'Take Care'). … Read more
Female Hygienic Pads from Banana Tree Fibre How to make natural sanitary pads
The link below directts to a text descibing the simplest process for utilizing the absorbent properties of banana fibres. This process is very inexpensive as it requires minimal refinement and preparation of the fibres and therefore does not require any additional materials or machinery. … Read more
Corn Cob Charcoal Crusher Turning agricultural waste into smokeless fuels
Burning carbonized cobs produces less smoke than regular biomass fuels, but the carbonized cobs produce a hazardous level of carbon monoxide. MIT's D-lab developed a device to turn charcoal powder into a dense compact briquette that burns safely, but it is difficult to crush the carbonized cobs into a charcoal powder without inhaling dangerous amounts of charcoal dust. The MIT team's charcoal crushing device addresses the gap in this alternative fuel process. … Read more
Solving conflict with Love African technique to transform noncompliance
When an individual member of the Babemba tribe harms the peace and unity of the community, this individual is put in the centre of the village and all community members gather around the person. All members then relate to the individual all the good things this person has done, and all the good characteristics (s)he has, in great detail. The ceremony can last for days, and has shown greatly effective in changing the behaviour of the 'wrongdoer', as well as aiding community harmony. … Read more
DryBath: hygiene without water An inspiring example of african ingenuity
One day Ludwick Marishane and his best friend were sunbathing in the sweltering heat in their native Limpopo. Marishane's friend turned to him and said, 'Man, why doesn't somebody invent something that you can just put on your skin and then you don't have to bathe?' Marishane, 17 at the time, thought: Yeah, why not? With some research in an internet cafe figuring out a formula for the lotion, and writing his business plan on his mobile phone, it took six months to develop a lotion that … Read more
Merging traditional with innovative building methods African architect uses smart design to build with clay and community
The architect Diebedo Francis Kere from Burkina Faso who studied in Berlin, Germany, went back to his home village to build a school and other buildings with the community. He explains the methodology. By involving the entire community in the building process, he simultaneously created community cohesion and pride, and gives locals the opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge they can use for creating economic opportunities. … Read more
Traditional African education for peace building An argument for holistic African education to foster peace
Traditional African had an inbuilt mechanism to controlling violence. This instrument was education. Notably, African education aimed at developing the total man and making him or her responsible member of the community. The curricular includes physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of the citizens. The thrust of the moral education was solidarity. This link directs you to a paper by Okoro Kingsle of the Ebonyi State University on this argument. … Read more
Good education fosters ethical leaders Argument: Ethical leadership starts with good education
Patrick Awuah from Ghana pleads for an education system in African countries which stresses independent thinking rather than repetition, a sense of responsibility rather than entitlement, and ethics and engagement with their society. … Read more
Group Decision Making Method Using all expertise in the group to make decisions
The link below directs to a short description of several decision-making methods, as well as a short video about one particular method. This latter method explains how groups can make decisions using one primary decision-maker, while also including the entire group's expertise in the process. Even if this method may not appeal to the reader due to its slight hierarchical tinge, it might hold some interesting ideas to experiment with in finding decision-making models that work. … Read more