Good and smooth group decision making requires a good understanding of the decision making process, as well as developed skills of all individuals involved in the process. The below link directs to a very exstensive, step-by-step guide for proper group decision making. It includes an overview of different necessary phases in decision-making processes, a list of core interpersonal skills, a test to estimate your level of interpersonal skills, and more tools. … Read more
Time Banking Practicing Cooperative Economics Through Non-Cash Systems
An hour of help earns one credit. Unlike standard money, there is no price placed on different kinds of service. Regardless of the type of help given, an hour is an hour. The purpose of time banking is to reweave communities by valuing the contributions of all, joining unused resources to unmet needs. … Read more
Social Accountability in Education System Youth taking responsibility for their education
One way is to form a cultural group within every school in our communities with 6 boys and 6 girls. Through cultural practices, festival and school events (tournaments, concerts), this group is to actively mobilise other students, the community, traditional authority, and policy makers to all be stakeholders in education by transferring the message through these activities that they are hosting. The school could give out official certificates for the positions of these 12 students, which would … Read more
Valueing sacred natural sites for integrated socio/bio-conservation Example: Healing crocodile pond in the Gambia
The creation of cultural/spiritual significance and/or rites and events around ecological sites help in their conservation, as well as help people connect with their surrounding natural wealth. An example: The Kartong Folonko crocodile pond is the oldest of three sacred crocodile pools in the Gambia and has been in the village for nearly 600 years. It has great cultural, spiritual and historical significance. It is believed that the pond was discovered by a great ' Marabout' named Sheikh Omar … Read more
Natural & Organic Makup Collection Organic Cosmetic
This video is a perfect presentation about lots of different cosmectic products, organic of course. You will see which are the best brands in this cosmetic branch. Including : - Foundation & Concealer 0:50 to 7:00 - Lips Products 7:00 to 10:30 … Read more
Natural Sunburn Remedies Natural Sunburn Remedies
This video will show you how to heal a sunburn through a natural way ! With : - the aloe vera plant itself - Vinegar - Coconut oil - Oatmeal - Green tea / Cold compress And a few other tips... … Read more
Commitment Cleanup communicating about the impossibility of commitment builds instant new commitment
SET UP: This is a whole-group process from Possibility Management, done in dyads. People sit in chairs or on cushions facing each other in two parallel rows. Reserve 2 hours for this. You may want to go longer after a break, depending on how many people are involved. You may want to have tissues available. You will need one extra chair at the left end of Row A. The facilitator can also participate in the process but must keep track of time. INSTRUCTIONS: (Facilitator says:) Please sit as close … Read more
Ndanifor Permaculture Eco Village Permaculture African Way
Since its registration in 1996,Better world Cameroon has been promoting and implementing ethically & culturally sustainable development through cooperation in its youthcamps and Permaculture training. We apply innovative Eco Village Education and Permaculture Design Techniques to empower youth entrepreneurship. We are building an eco-lodge as a social incubator to improve sharing, learning and global citizenship Goals of the Design: •Using Permaculture Principles to step up agricultural … Read more
Build youth self confidence with art Build youth self confidence with art
Organic Permaculture Farm Land Design Technology Best Solution for Sustainable Land Use for African Farming
This technology is Developed by Dr Noah Owusu-Takyi, a renowned permaculturist in Ghana who have from 30 years experience training young farmers in sustainable farming technologies, and developing solutions for improve African farming. The technology uses various permaculture design principles to design farmlands to ensure the use of ecologically sustainable farming practices into the farm design to ensure profitability whiles protecting the environment. Farm lands are resurveyed, the size … Read more