The olive oil industry supplies many families of the Mediterranean countries. Apart from the income generating extra virgin and virgin olive oil sold by local farmers to local and international markets, there are more products that can also be marketed as organic, green and chemicals free! Today, the products we use for cosmetics are full with synthetic chemicals and material that is not suitable for human use, in addition to many still using animal testing. The main ingredients are virgin … Read more
Tizana Vervain
Vervain is a continual domestic herb original to the Old World. Numerous societies have historically used it for healing, and it was once a very common feature in herb gardens. Today, people grow it for both medicinal and ornamental use, and many health food stores stock dried forms for people who do not wish to grow their own. The leaves of this herb are saw-toothed and hairy, and it produces small white to purple flowers on delicate spikes. Gardeners can grow this plant in zones three through … Read more
Quranic Healing Meditation with Holy Quran
Some people believe that the best medicine to cure all illnesses is the Holy Quran. This is a result of a long time experience in treating people. Many cases that had incurable illnesses recovered after exposing them to the recitation of Holy Quran. That is because of the ability of Holy Quran in rebalancing the brain cells and increasing their capability in performing well.Each cell has a vibrating system that Allah has created to do its job and those cells do not understand the speech language … Read more
Dotmocracy Decision making
Dotmocracy is a simple method for recognizing points of agreement among a large number of people. Participants write down ideas on specially designed paper forms called Dotmocracy sheets and use pens to fill in one dot per sheet, recording their levels of agreement. The result is a graph-like visual representation of the group's collective opinion. Compared to surveys, voting, or typical meeting formats, Dotmocracy provides unique and valuable opportunities. In a Dotmocracy process, every … Read more
Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication Non Violent Communication (NVC)
Our feelings, whether pleasant or unpleasant, arise from core basic human needs which are either met or not met. A feeling of frustration may arise, for example, when the core need for autonomy (freedom, choice) is not met in a given situation. A feeling of joy may arise when the core need for connection is met. Here are some of the fundamental, core needs we all have as humans on this planet: health safety (both emotional and physical), affection, understanding, … Read more
What is Dragon Dreaming? Dragon Dreaming definitions
THE SHORTEST DEFINITION Dragon Dreaming – is love in action THE ONE LINE DEFINITION Dragon Dreaming – a way of making 100% of your dreams come true. USED IN WORKSHOPS Dragon Dreaming – a living systems approach to building successful organisations and projects for the Great Turning. CREATED AT A WORKSHOP Dragon Dreaming – an integral design philosophy that takes sustainability into account in every aspect of our lives. AN ENHANCED VERSION FROM WORKSHOPS Dragon Dreaming – a living systems … Read more
Pinakari Deep Listening
Pinakarri is the Martu Mandjilidjara Aboriginal word for Deeper Listening. In our western culture we seem to have lost the skill of empathically listening to each other. We have developed a way of mainly listening to a little voice in the head which keeps making win-lose judgments and interprets everything we hear through itself. This little voice is also very distracting and makes us forget faster: When concentrating on conceptual theory, for instance, we are able to concentrate for … Read more
Healing depression and anxiety Healing depression and anxiety with natural herbs
In this article you will first find the definitions and symptomes of depression and anxiety, then the experience with herbalism of Jenaka, a native American, will help you to understand what to do. … Read more
Countryside Bench (Mastaba/Dika) Bench/ Sofa (Mastaba/Dikah/Kanabah) outside countryside houses
In many traditional houses in the Egyptian countryside you can find a sofa next to the entrance door of the house. This sofa is either wooden or built with bricks or mud. The owner of the house places traditional rugs on this sofa. Its called in the Egyptian slang dika/ mastaba/ kanabah. People relax on this sofa. It is usually men who sit there. It is possible to find the owner of the house sitting chatting with his sons, relatives or neighbors. Being outside of the house, the dika also … Read more
Tagine Earthenware Pot A valuable multi-purpose cooking pot
Tagine is a historically Berber dish from North Africa that is named after the special earthenware pot in which it is cooked. A similar dish, known as Tavvas, is found in the cuisine of Cyprus. The traditional Tagine pot is formed entirely of a heavy clay, which is sometimes painted or glazed. The Tagine is used to bake staple bread. Each and every Algerian family has a Tagine, usually bought from rural villages where old women prepare them from clay and sell them. Tagines are also used and made … Read more