La fougara est un systeme d'irrigation de l'eau invente pour permettre de quantifier l'eau necessaire pour les differentes plantations dans le desert. C'est un systeme complexe et tres ingenieux qui remonte quelques centaines d'annees. C'est un systeme unique dans le Sahara que l'on trouve dans les Oasis du Gourara pres de Timumoun. Ce systeme d'irrigation est inspire des Qanats en Iran. … Read more
Water Harvesting: Swale / Sagia Water Harvesting in Drylands
Water is very precious especially in arid and semi arid regions. Every single drop of rain must therefore be saved and not wasted, evaporation should be decreased, and fertile topsoil should be prevented from running off with the rain, therefore loosing nutrients and causing soil erosion. To prevent this, Sagias or Swales can be implemented to slow down water after a rain and to hold it for the longest period possible for it to sink in slowly and hydrate the landscape. Swales are ditches dug … Read more
Creating a Home Graywater System Creating a Home Graywater System
This video is a nice example, if you want to recycle and reuse your grey water. Important information starting at 5:50 min. … Read more
Solar Composting Toilet Dry Toilets
This video will explain you one of the differents ways you could built your own composting toilet. It is a special example, because it works with solar energy. … Read more
Water Harvesting The Ancient Ingenuity of Water Harvesting
In this video Anupam Mishra describes methods with which water was and is still collected in areas with extremely little rain. These methods however have been devised 1000s of years ago but are still deemed more effective than most modern methods. … Read more
Civilisation Starter Kit How to build farming tools from scratch
When Marcin Jakubowski wanted to start his own little garden he felt the need to get some tools, however he didn't have the money to buy good equipment and hence he built them himself. He made blueprints for the simple fabrication of everything needed to start a self-sustaining village. … Read more
Making Compost How to make your own compost ?
Composting is the process of transforming organic matter into a rich soil which can be used as fertilizer. Nutrients from the original matter are then recycled back into the Earth and new plant life. The links below: 1) This is a video channel from an organic gardener, he will show you two different ways to make your own compost from left over junk but also all other plant material. You will learn about the consistence and about the maintenance of your compost. 2) How to build a compost bin, … Read more
Watering Watering your organic garden
This is a video from an organic gardener who shows you how you could water your plants in differents ways, with few tips. … Read more
Cleaning your rain water with a fish Cleaning your rain water
However you collect your rain water, once you store it in a barrel or a container, aquatic plants and insects including mosquitos grow. You can easily get rid of that introducing a fish in your container. The fish will clean the water naturally and transform those plants and insects in excrements that will enrich your garden while watering it. You just have to insure there's no substances that could harm the fish on your roof and find the right type for your weather. In France mine is a common … Read more
Ceramic Pot Water Filter With Silver Nanoparticles
The Ceramic Pot Water Filter is a simple, bucket-shaped (11” wide by 10” deep) clay vessel that is made from a mix of local terra-cotta clay and sawdust or other combustibles, such as rice husks. The filters are formed by using a press. The simplest press utilizes a hand-operated hydraulic truck jack and two-piece aluminum mold. Filters are fired to about 860 deg. C. and the milled, screened combustible material burns out, leaving porous clay walls. The filters are tested to make sure they meet … Read more