The Eco Muslim encourages everyone to live on less by following the 4Rs: Reuse! (e.g. leftover water) Reduce! (how much food you waste) Recycle! (your unwanted clothes) Reject! (poverty, homelessness and exploitation). 'The Eco Muslim is part of a greener effort to make our community on Earth that tiny bit purer to live in. Or at least, a wee bit sparklier for the day after tomorrow. Insha-Allah (God willing).' The first link directs to the Ecomuslim website. The second link directs to a page … Read more
Valueing sacred natural sites for integrated socio/bio-conservation Example: Healing crocodile pond in the Gambia
The creation of cultural/spiritual significance and/or rites and events around ecological sites help in their conservation, as well as help people connect with their surrounding natural wealth. An example: The Kartong Folonko crocodile pond is the oldest of three sacred crocodile pools in the Gambia and has been in the village for nearly 600 years. It has great cultural, spiritual and historical significance. It is believed that the pond was discovered by a great ' Marabout' named Sheikh Omar … Read more
Sufi Shrines Journey of healing
Sufi Shrines are often found today in many Muslim communities around the world. With many different names given to the structures that exist today, from Maqam to Mazar to Dargah, these places often embody the grave of a saint or dervish, mystics who have traveled and wandered in search of the divine and inner peace. Historically, some of these wanderers were considered heretic and were often dismissed by religious communities as outlaws and crazy while others were mystified and their shrines are … Read more
Quranic Healing Meditation with Holy Quran
Some people believe that the best medicine to cure all illnesses is the Holy Quran. This is a result of a long time experience in treating people. Many cases that had incurable illnesses recovered after exposing them to the recitation of Holy Quran. That is because of the ability of Holy Quran in rebalancing the brain cells and increasing their capability in performing well.Each cell has a vibrating system that Allah has created to do its job and those cells do not understand the speech language … Read more
Maidat Ramadhan Charity Iftar
Ramdhan is the nineth month of the Muslim Calendar. In this month muslims fast from dawn until sunset Muslims refrain from consuming food, drinking liquids, smoking and sexual relations; and in some interpretations from swearing.According to Islam, the thawab (rewards) of fasting are many, but in this month they are believed to be multiplied. Fasting for Muslims during Ramadan typically includes the increased offering of salat (prayers) and recitation of the Quran.In this holly month, muslims … Read more
Benefits of Yoga How Yoga can improve your health
First of all Yoga is a great practise because it can be done at all ages, no matter how young or old you are there is some sort of Yoga out there that is suitable for you. Now to the benefits of Yoga: -Many Yoga poses help the muscles around your spine which not only improves your posture but can also relieve pains in places such as neck, shoulder and back -It can also help the digestive system if coupled with a healthy diet -It teaches discipline in body and mind as breathing, posing, … Read more
Sabil and Kutab Public water drinking and education complex from Islamic architecture
The 'sabil' is a building famous in Islamic architecture built by nobles, princes, and other rich people for providing fresh drinking water for the people in streets. Its a charity and public welfare building. This type of architecture started during the Mameluke period. Its either a separate building or one built inside mosques. The construction of the 'sabil' includes a big water reservoir in the underground level and above it, amfew step above ground level, the 'tasbil' room or the room for … Read more
Friday Praying Gathered Public Friday Praying for Muslims
Praying is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims pray five times a day. One of the prayers is called 'duhr' noon prayer. On Fridays Muslim men are ordered in The Quran to gather together in public for this noon prayer. The Friday prayer is preceded by a sermon given by a Muslim scholar. The idea of Friday prayer is not only the regular daily prayers, but it also provides an opportunity for Muslims to gather together weekly in order to discuss their important life issues. Listening to this … Read more
Nowruz Ancient new year celebration
Nowruz, literally meaning 'a new day' is an ancient celebration day and a ritual celebrated by many nations and communities in a wide geographical region from Central Asia to the Balkans. Nowruz is a joyful celebration for the arrival of spring as the new year in the northern hemisphere, accompanied by unique cultural colors, beliefs and ceremonies. It is celebrated on the day of the astronomical Northern equinox, which occurs on March 21. Nowruz has deep and rich roots as a festival and ritual … Read more
Hidrellez Fusion of the land and water as summer unfolds
One widespread belief suggests that Hızır is a prophet who has attained immortality by drinking the water of life (ab-ı hayat), and who has reached God, and wanders around among people from time to time, especially in the spring, helping people in difficulty, and distributing plenty and health. Various practices are performed on Hidrellez night in the belief that Hızır will bring blessing and abundance to the places he visits and the things he touches. Food bowls, pantries, and purses are left … Read more