Get a taste of what ecovillages have learned in their resilience journey and how they will put that into practice.

Energising a
Collaboration Hub
Atlan Center, USA

Weaving Diversity
Socially & Ecologically
Gudza Ramuka, Zimbabwe

Shifting the Focus from
Infrastructure to Human Elements
Ecodorp Boekel, Netherlands

Establishing Value in the Region
Earthsong Eco Neighbourhood,
New Zealand

Strengthening Social Bonds
Huehuecoyotl, Mexico

Transitioning from Resource Depletion
to Regenerative Livelihoods
Bomigo Ecovillage, Ghana

Applying Strengths to Weak Points
Damanhur Federation
of Communities, Italy

Safe Fail Experimentation and
Long-Range Strategic Planning
Hundredfold Farm, USA

Integrating Creativity
and History into Resilience
Centro Ubuntu, Colombia

Facing Global Tipping
Points of Flood-prone Areas
Govardhan Ecovillage, India

Addressing Challenges &
Opportunities to Integrate Youth
Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland

Celebrating Traditional Practices
d’Ando Kpomey, Togo

Addressing Ecological Themes
in a 5 Year Plan
The Farm, USA

Prioritising Preparedness
as a Strength
La Tierrita – La Comarca, Uruguay

Navigating a Steady Pace
of Growth and Change
Narara Ecovillage, Australia

Balancing Immediate Needs with
Long-term Planning
Piracanga Ecovillage

Adapting an Economic Model
to a New Reality
Ökodorf Sieben Linden, Germany

Forging Ahead on the Right Path
People’s Coast Ecovillage Network,
The Gambia

Integrating Ecosystem Health
and Human Well-being
Sundarbans Ecovillage, Bangladesh

Integrating New Energy with Intention
Keuruu Ecovillage, Finland

Energising a Collaboration Hub
Atlan Center, USA

Weaving Diversity Socially & Ecologically
Gudza Ramuka, Zimbabwe

Shifting the Focus from Infrastructure to Human Elements
Ecodorp Boekel, Netherlands

Establishing Value in the Region
Earthsong Eco Neighbourhood, New Zealand

Strengthening Social Bonds
Huehuecoyotl, Mexico

Transitioning from Resource Delpletion to Regenerative Livelihoods
Bomigo Ecovillage, Ghana

Applying Strengths to Weak Points
Damanhur Community, Italy

Safe Fail Experimentation
and Long-Range Strategic Planning
Hundredfold Farm, USA

Integrating Creativity and History into Resilience
Centro Ubuntu, Colombia

Facing Global Tipping Points
of Floodprone Areas
Govardhan Ecovillage, India

Addressing Challenges and Opportunities to Integrate Young People
Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland

Celebrating Traditional Practices
d’Ando Kpomey, Togo
The community proposed creating a “green belt” to act as a fire buffer. With collective effort, they planted a firebreak, starting with a 14-metre stretch and now extending to a community forest up to 850 meters deep. It has become a source of great pride for the people of Ando Kpomey, a sacred place inhabited by spirits and divinities, particularly the “Nukuvizihouin” deity, the community’s protector and the cornerstone of all its cultural ceremonies. People rely on spiritual and traditional leaders to study, interpret and understand ecological relationships and environmental change. The spiritual connection to the forest fosters respect for nature and motivates its protection.
These traditional stories were passed down from generation to generation through teachings on the relationship between man and the forest during popular gatherings under the large trees in the village. These stories reinforced the values of responsibility towards forest ecosystems, encouraging their preservation.
Ando Kpomey has verbal governance rules established by family representatives and the village chief to protect the forest, enforced by a youth committee. This participatory and inclusive approach strengthens community ties, resilience, and cultural identity. All aspects of decision-making and practices, shaping the attitudes and behaviours of community members, are participatory and inclusive. This collaboration between community members strengthens community solidarity, fostering social resilience and cultural identity.

Addressing Ecological Themes in a 5 Year Plan
The Farm, USA

Prioritising Preparedness as a Strength
La Tierrita, Ecuador

Navigating a Steady Pace of Growth and Change
Narara Ecovillage, Australia

Balancing Immediate Needs with Long Term Planning
Piracanga Ecovillage, Brazil

Adapting an Economic Model to a New Reality
Sieben Linden Ecovillage, Germany

Forging Ahead on the Right Path
People’s Coast Ecovillage Network, The Gambia

Integrating Ecosystem Health
and Human Well-being
Sundarbans Ecovillage, Bangladesh

Integrating New Energy with Intention
Keuruu Ecovillage, Finland