The solution offers an easy to implement technique, based on accessible resources (ashes and lime), that promises to neutralize pathogens, control insects while providing a quick way to generate compost from humanure and solve sanitation issues anywhere in the world. … Read more
Tesis de Economía Ecológica: “Opciones de subsistencia en comunidades ecológicas” "El caso de la Ecoaldea Findhorn, Escocia"
Los resultados muestran que, mientras que las necesidades básicas son exitosamente satisfechas y hay una alta satisfacción en los trabajos, el sentimiento de sus miembros respecto a su situación económica, especialmente a lo que necesidades secundarias se refiere, es ambiguo. Además, los entrevistados más jóvenes tienen incertidumbres acerca de su futuro financiero. Por otro lado, la cosmovisión de los miembros muestra ausencia de ambiciones financieras y monetarias. La suya es una filosofía de … Read more
Ecological Economics thesis: “Livelihood options in ecological communities” "The Findhorn Ecovillage case, Scotland"
Results indicate that, while basic needs are successfully met and there is high job satisfaction, the feeling of members about their economic situation, especially regarding secondary needs, is ambiguous. Also, the youngest interviewees have uncertainties about their financial future. On the other hand, the worldview of the members shows a lack of financial ambition and monetary goals. Theirs is a philosophy of voluntary simplicity. In this way, the presence of social capital seems to counteract … Read more
Unit of Self-Sufficiency Unplugging from Consumerism
Unit of Self-sufficiency is a concept, that describes a way of life where the least number of people using modern technology can become self-sufficient, and through that unplug from consumerism. … Read more
Almost Heaven Farms
We created a project called RTR or Resilience Through Recovery. This project is an integrated approach to helping different communities in Nepal sustainably recover from the recent earthquakes allowing them to be even more resilient and prepared to deal with future challenges. We envisage that the learnings from this project will have relevance for rural communities in many parts of the world who are faced with the need to become increasingly self-sufficient, and resilient during these times … Read more
PIRAMID-ALL " Casa del Futuro ", auto abastecida con energías renovables
Post Catastrophe Ecosocial Regeneration project for tropical regions with products and solutions in the four dimmensions of sustainabilty: ecological, social, economic and cultural … Read more
FRA GRUMS TIL GOURMET (FROM GROUNDS TO GOURMET) Mushroom production on waste materials - Lasse Melgaard
We reuse and upcycle coffee grounds and inoculate it with mycelium from oyster mushrooms. This root-like network can absorb nutrients from the coffee grounds and use them to produce oyster mushrooms that have both medical and culinary benefits. This creates a valuable food source that can be grown in all areas of the world, thereby creating a local and sustainable alternative to meat or as an umami tasting ingredient in many dishes. Mushrooms like oysters can be grown on nearly all wood-like … Read more
UBUNTU Centro de experimentación y formación en sustentabilidad
Centro de experimentación y formación en sustentabilidad UBUNTU, pensado para el desarrollo e implementación de tecnologías apropiadas, articulando los conocimientos tradicionales y la sabiduría ancestral con nuevas tecnologías y técnicas, en procura del establecimiento de asentamientos sustentables. … Read more
Alosha Lynov / BioVeda Academy trainings All the greatest teachings on affordable eco home and community construction and more all combined into one place !
Ease of sharing and learning permaculture, solutions to water scarcity and contributing to the water table instead of depleting it, super affordable and easily permitted ecological housing, affordable education and trainings in permaculture / etc, ideas to create greater senses of community / harmony with nature, etc … Read more