Description of Challenge
Our language seems to have ingrained win lose or lose lose games. We need to create a new language that is conducive of win win.Communicating from heart to heart, by speaking your inner truth and practicing win win language.

Charismatic Communication is the attempt to say what really wants to be said from deep inside. It works similar to automatic writing. All we have to do is to turn off the little voice in our head. This often takes a lot more courage than we think. Charismatic Communication is based on trust. We need to trust that we can share our feelings and dreams without being laughed at our made fun of.
Our daily everyday communication acts like a shield, we hide behind facts and judgments. And yet if we really open up can we give people a chance to truly see us and our projects.
We are used to communicating our ideas in a way that is influenced by the little voice in our head wondering “What do I want to say? What is of importance to me?” and so on. And often we are unaware of our words transmitting a subtle win-lose game of admiration or contempt for the other person, or even dominance or repression. We are preoccupied with interpreting what others are saying to us, and what the “true meaning” of their words might be…
In Dragon Dreaming we are using our intuition to allow the project to speak through us.
Extracted from Dragon Dreaming e-book, by co-founder John Croft and Contributors.