Description of Challenge
Our experience of groups can often be one of arriving with enthusiasm, only to leave tired and having witnessed the group sink to its lowest common denominator, both in decisions taken and behaviour. We often choose not to express our own perspective, preferring to belong to the ‘groupthink’. We have not yet found a way to live on this planet without destroying the environment that supports us.We have a lot of experience of collective stupidity, but will we be able to shift to collective wisdom“The insanity of human destructiveness may be matched by an older grace and intelligence that is fastening us together in ways we have never before seen or imagined.” - Paul Hawken, Blessed Unrest
We need to reinstate meaningful conversations at every level of society. We need to learn how to creatively express our individual diversity and potential, without attachment to being right, contributing our piece to the jigsaw puzzle of life. We start listening for new connections and win-win-win outcomes instead of holding onto knowledge we already have. We know that one size doesn’t fit all, and every situation calls for a fresh approach that is grounded in the collective experience of the moment.