Description of Challenge
Restore the atmosphere to median Holocene levels of greenhouse gas concentrations (~240 ppmv CO2e) within short time frame (mid-Century), thereby preventing forfeiture of civilizational gains since previous glaciation and potential near-term human extinction. Restore virtuous cycle of soil improvement to adapt to food and water requirements during humanity's hopefully brief dalliance with Anthropocene climateSolution
Compost tea is produced by steeping plant growth compounds and beneficial microorganisms in warm, aerated water and organic wastes over a 24-hour brewing cycle to produce a biologically active liquid concentrate that is then applied to field, forest or garden to stimulate soil fertility. Worm casting liquids are often used alone or blended with compost because of their highly diverse microbial composition. Supplemental nutrients such as bat guano, kelp, humic acids, biochar and rock powder are added at the beginning of the brewing process to encourage growth and proliferation of beneficial microorganisms. When applied with micronized biochar and site-specific minerals compost tea can net-sequester carbon, accelerate ecological restoration, increase weather event resilience and enhance the nutrient density of food