Description of Challenge
Over the past 150 years, poor land management practices, driven by industrial agriculture, has resulted in the loss of half of the earth’s topsoil. More carbon has been emitted from degraded soil than from the entire transportation industry. Since 1970, the amount of wild animals living on earth has decreased by 58%. People want to help resolve these issues but aren't sure how.
“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life.”
― Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture
Sequestering the excess carbon in our atmosphere on a massive scale is one of the last remaining solutions to staving off the worst effects of climate change. By rehabilitating degraded ecosystems and helping farmers convert from industrial to regenerative agriculture, we can sequester enough carbon to create a safe level in the atmosphere. The communities will help to create action towards this solution by teaching large numbers of people how to restore degraded land, whilst giving them the opportunity to work with local farmers who need support in transitioning to regenerative agriculture. At the community, people will acquire the knowledge and information they need in order to put theory into practice. This gives farmers who are struggling financially the ability to try regenerative techniques, thanks to the voluntary manual labour, and gives people valuable experience in landscape restoration. The communities will also give people opportunities to experience new ways of living that are radically sustainable and understand how to process their emotions and transform in their relations with others. This project has the potential to give millions of people the chance to reconnect with the natural world, causing ripple effects as they bring this knowledge and connection back into towns and cities across the globe. Each camp will welcome trainees, who have the will to set up their own communities, and want to learn how it is done. In this way, we will be able to rapidly scale up the restoration of the earth and mend the broken connection between nature and humankind.
Please serach (industrial) hemp for bio remediation…
Soil regeneration, food, fabrics, ropes, useful oils … just to name a few outcomes of this type of culture that help farmes profit from the harvested crops and make a living when changing.
In my opinion that is a fight needed, to overturn inefficient rulings that do not allow solutions!!