Description of Challenge
Some people live with a worldview that mankind is evil and people have tendencies to have
something bad in mind. This leads to an large number of barriers to communication with others
as well as with one yourself. We have particular fear of criticism and conflict. It might show up as:
● polarisation (us and them), political, social or race based conflicts
● team dynamics, missing commitment
● lack of self esteem leading to fear of talking about my visions and plans because of fear of
“Could a greater miracle take place then for us to look through each others eyes for an instant?”
David Henry Thoreau
To step out of the assumption that mankind is “evil” and that people have bad intentions helps to
really understand people’s motivation and intention. This means understanding on a rational but
also on a heart level. If you reach a level of connection where your heart begins to warm to them
that’s what it is. It is like putting yourself into the shoes of another person, role or societal group
and not only knowingthis role or acting like this role but really to feelit. Understanding others in
a compassionate way will smooth your relationships and open unthought of possibilities and
potential for creativity.
You can also explore the roles and arguments of people you are or need to come into contact with
as a preparation of a meeting.
patterns: nonviolent communication, process work, transforming enemy images, dialogue, way of
Submitted by : Pioneers of Change
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