Description of Challenge
Usually for young people it is very difficult to fundrise their movements and their participation in Ecovillages activities. Pay fees and accomodation, transports and food can be a problem mainyl for long term periods experiences. To avoid that Ecovillages will become places only for rich students or rich young people I propose this solution.Solution
This solution can be applied unfortunately only to European people and Ecovillages. . .sigh!
There is a programme run by European Union called Long Life Learning programme. The programme is almost over as it is but don’t worry, Leonardo and Grundtvig will stay as subprogrammes so we will still be able to use them :D!
Through this programme you can fundrise experiences of formation in all Ecovillages in Europe and also in Green I.O. like Gaia, GEN and so on! Also you can find the way to participate in gathering or specific workshops you would like to attend! IMPORTANT:These are the ‘mobility actions’!
Good new also for the people working and running ecovillages, in Europe!
You can apply to run projects in collaboration with other european ecovillages and also with GEN or GAIA or other foundations or stakeholders you can insert in the partnership. IMPORTANT: these are the learning partnerships or the mutilateral projects!
If you need any help I will be happy to share my experience and my knowledge about these wonderful opportunities!
Good luck to all of you, mainly to the onces having less opportunities!!!